Alliance for California Computing Education for Students and Schools

Our Latest Report

An Analysis of Access, Enrollment, and Equity report cover
CS Equity Guide cover

by administrators, for administrators

ACCESS and CSforCA introduce the updated CS Equity Guide, written in collaboration with education leaders throughout California and designed for administrators interested in implementing equity-minded computer science (CS) in their schools, districts, or counties. If you are a principal, district or county leader, CS coordinator, lead teacher, teacher on special assignment (TOSA), counselor, family member, non-profit organizer, or just interested in bringing CS to all students, this guide is for you. To download the guide, please visit

We’d love to hear your input about the guide! Please contact Julie Flapan, Executive Director of ACCESS and CSforCA at

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit


Kids in Computer Class

The Alliance for California Computing Education for Students and Schools (ACCESS) is dedicated to advocating for high-quality K-12 computer science education in California and ensuring its accessibility to all students, specifically targeting under-represented students including girls, students of color and low socioeconomic students.

ACCESS is a statewide network of computer science education leaders including: K-12 teachers, administrators and leaders; computer science professors from community colleges through universities; education school faculty and CS professional developers; interested industry professionals; and educational policy advocates counting the California Department of Education, the Computer Science Teachers Association, Computing in the Core, and



Brown appoints 15 to new K-12 computer science panel

Gov. Jerry Brown appointed 15 technology and education experts Friday to a newly created panel charged with making recommendations on the implementation of K-12 computer science standards in California. Read more…

Connecting to the Future

Connecting Schools magazine

California Schools headline article