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Palestinian Revolutionary Left League

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The Palestinian Revolutionary Left League (Arabic: عصبة اليسار الثوري الفلسطيني) was a Palestinian movement. It emerged from a split in the Popular Organization for the Liberation of Palestine in 1969.[1] The organization was primarily based in Syria.[1] One of its key leaders was the lawyer Musa Sweid.[1]

The organization soon disintegrated, with its members joining different Palestinian left-wing factions.[1] On June 9, 1969, the merger of the organization into the Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine was announced.[2][3][4]


  1. ^ a b c d علي بدوان (2008). صفحات من تاريخ الكفاح الفلسطيني (التكوينات السياسية والفدائية المعاصرة - النشأة والمصائر). صفحات للدراسات والنشر. OCLC 1107073622.
  2. ^ Muḥammad Jamāl Bārūt (1997). حركة القوميين العرب: النشأة، التطور، المصائر. المركز العربى للدراسات الاستراتيجية،. p. 493. OCLC 37831190.
  3. ^ Pappe, Ilan; Mansour, Johnny (2022-03-15). Historical Dictionary of Palestine. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 365. ISBN 978-1-5381-1986-0.
  4. ^ Yaari, Ehud; Yaʿarî, Ēhûd (1970). Strike Terror: The Story of Fatah. Sabra Books. p. 219. ISBN 978-0-87631-027-4.