Upcoming events for June 2021 with Google Earth Outreach

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Google Earth Outreach

Jun 2, 2021, 4:41:38 PM6/2/21
to Google Earth Outreach Announcements
Hello everyone,

We’d like to invite you to register for the following events in June. We hope to see you there!

June 4th: Hey Earth Engine, How Do I…? Apps Edition
Do you have a question about Earth Engine Apps? Join us for a live Q&A session with the Earth Engine team where they will answer your questions about EE Apps and walk you through how you can solve those bugs and get that app running. Register here.

June 9th: Geo for Good Lightning Talk Series #3: Air Quality
Hear 6 lightning talks from scientists and practitioners on how they use Google mapping tools to understand, analyze, and communicate air quality data and information. Register here.

June 24th: Animating Imagery for Crisis Reporting
With a focus on use by journalists and media, this session will show you how to leverage Earth Engine to generate animations from recent GOES imagery, to show the movement of hurricanes, wildfire smoke, and other crisis and news events. Register here.

Raleigh Seamster, on behalf of the Google Earth Outreach team
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