
From IndieWeb
Revision as of 19:57, 3 December 2015 by Rhiaro.co.uk (talk | contribs) (Etherpad links)

IndieWebCampSF 2015 Schedule:

Thursday December 3 2015

Time Mozilla Community Space
8:30 Camp opens. Badges, networking, and breakfast.
9:15 Introductions, Selfdogfood Demos of what works today
10:00 Session Scheduling
10:30 Intro to the IndieWeb Indie highlights and notes Person tags
12:00 Group Photo, then Lunch
13:00 Indiewebify.me Posting data updater (wikipedia info boxes are a silo)
14:00 Posting to Twitter/FB with silo.pub POSSE Indieweb business Mobile UX
15:00 The Science of Great Design [[mobile|Mobile phone apps, hack, planning etc]
16:30 Demos
17:30 community cleanup
18:00 camp closed!

See also