
From IndieWeb

An acquisition within the IndieWeb is a type of post that enumerates purchases, gifts, donations, (stolen?!), and found things potentially with additional information like photos, descriptions, specifications, price paid, date/time acquired, location acquired from, and condition.


I'd bought a few books and larger acquisitions lately that I wanted to document so it's become an itch. I probably won't go as all-in as rhiaro, but for larger purchases that I intend to keep on a more permanent basis, it could be useful. potentially useful as a form of self-accountability for acquiring stuff I know people who keep running lists or inventories of what they own as a means of limiting possessions. Conscious and conspicuous both work.. Public posts make it conspicuous

IndieWeb Examples


Tantek Γ‡elik has occasionally posted acquisition posts as notes since at least 2010-12-01


  • Amy Guy has posted acquisitions since 2016-01-02 and keeps a running list at rhiaro's stuff. They're stored as an ActivityStreams 2.0 extension. She'll post vocab docs here shortly. She called the posts "acquire[s] because it also includes gifts, donations, found things."


She called it 'conspicuous consumption' Data for her "annual report" rather than individual posts.

Chris Aldrich Similar to a gift registry for weddings, birthdays and such which I think are common on websites like Amazon and many shopping sites which make them explicit and conspicuous as well. Somewhere I've made a few checkin posts at donation shops like Goodwill or Salvation Army which include photos of some of my donations. Though those don't always have a complete list of things gotten rid of. Dawns on me that many of my checkin posts also have acquisitions as well, though many of them are as photos which are saved privately on my sites's back end.

Silo Examples


example photo Goodreads has a checkmark field for "I own a copy of this book" with additional fields for "condition" "Original purchase location" and "original purchase date"


  • purchase list of things you're previously purchased indicators on product pages that you've purchased them before
  • They also keep lists of past purchases in a feedlike fashion

Venmo ??

snarfed: "some silo has a culture of people posting these publicly, right? venmo?"

Everyday Carry

Chris Aldrich ran across a silo called Every Day Carry a while back that was also related: It felt like a conspicuous consumption site focused on knives, phones, watches, tools, pens, and pencils. :)


Blippy was a social commerce platform founded in 2009 that allowed users to share credit card purchases with friends. It eventually allowed the ability to make some purchases private so that users could hide sensitive purchases from public view. The service closed down in 2011. More details.

See Also