Penguin Paper Bag Puppet – 2 Ways! (Free Template)

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This penguin paper bag puppet can be made two ways – as a regular penguin or as a penguin dressed for cold weather! It requires just a few supplies and comes with a free template! This is a great activity to do at home with your kids or at school with your students.

Brrr… cold weather is around the corner which means it’s time to create all things winter! Your kids will love this simple penguin craft, especially if you choose to make the version with the cute hat and scarf.

All you’ll need is a few simple craft supplies and the template included in this post to cut out all of the pieces.

What you’ll need:

  • paper bag
  • craft paper (Black, white/off-white, orange, and pink. Add blue and purple for the penguin in a hat!)
  • glue stick
  • craft scissors
  • This template

Looking for more paper bay puppet crafts? Try this Fox Paper Bag Puppet!

How to Make a Penguin Paper Bag Puppet

Read on to learn how you can make this cute animal craft at home with your kids, or at school with your students for a fun winter activity! You can choose to make a regular penguin without the hat and scarf, or a penguin dressed up for the chill!

Step 1: Assess your supplies.

  • two pieces of black paper for the body, head, arms, and eyes
  • two pieces of white/off-white paper for the stomach, inner arms, face, and at pom pom
  • one piece of orange for the feet and beak
  • one piece of pink paper for the mouth and rosy cheeks
  • (optional) one piece of blue paper for the hat and scarf
  • (optional) one piece of purple paper for the hat and scarf

For the cut outs, print the template on regular printer paper and use craft scissors to cut them out.

penguin paper bag puppet

Step 2: Use your the penguin template pieces to cut the shapes out of the craft paper. I traced mine using a pencil and then cut each out on the appropriate colors. If there was any leftover markup, I erased it after cutting.

penguin paper bag puppet - supplies

Step 3: Create the body.

First, cover the bottom portion of the paper bag (the body) with a 9″ by 5″ black rectangle. This piece should go all the way up under the flap (the head).

penguin paper bag puppet - body

Next, add the orange feet to the bottom portion of the body, leaving about 2/3 hanging off the end. Then, paste white portion of the belly to the body, about 1/2-inch above the bottom-most part of the bag.

penguin paper bag puppet - body

Put the body aside to work on the penguin head.

Step 4: Make the penguin head and face.

First, take the black head and paste the white face to the bottom. A little over-hang is OK.

Next, paste the pink mouth to the orange beak.

Finally, paste on the black eyes with the white dot, and the pink ovals for the rosy cheeks. The little white dots make a it look like the penguin has a twinkle in their eye!

penguin paper bag puppet - face and head

Step 5: Make the arms by pasting the narrow white piece to the outer round edge of the black arm. This is to give the appearance of the underside or inner arm.

penguin paper bag puppet - arms

Step 7: To finish up the penguin portion of this paper bag puppet craft, paste the head onto the empty flap of the bag!

Step 8: Create the hat and scarf. First, glue the white pom pom to the top of the blue hat, then glue the purple band to the bottom of the hat.

Next, glue the two pieces of blue scarf together at a slight angle. Top it off with the purple scarf band. Create a fringe by cutting 1/2 to 1-inch lines at the ends of the scarf. Lightly ruffle them to give it some body.

Glue the scarf to the long purple scarf band.

Step 9: Finally, glue the hat to the top of the penguin puppets head at a slight angle, and the scarf to the neck, slightly beneath the paper bag flap.

And there you have it! Your winter penguin paper bag puppet.

Download the FREE Penguin Paper Bag Puppet Template here.

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