I have to implement double linked lists. The method prepend should insert a new element bevor the existing list. But I dont know how to link the reference "next" of the new element with the reference "prev" of the old list. Thanks in advance.

public class DoublyLinkedList {

private String info;
private DoublyLinkedList next;
private DoublyLinkedList prev;

public DoublyLinkedList(String info) {
    this.info = info;
    this.next = this.prev = null;

private DoublyLinkedList(String info, DoublyLinkedList prev, DoublyLinkedList next) {
    this.info = info;
    this.prev = prev;
    this.next = next;

DoublyLinkedList prepend(String info) {
    // Beginning of a list, insert new element
    if (prev == null) {
        prev = new DoublyLinkedList(info, null, next);
    } else {
    return prev;

2 Answers 2


Start by naming your class DoublyLinkedNode. A linked series of such objects would make a doubly linked list.

It's really important for your thinking to use the right class names. Once you fix your nsme ie node not list, the problem should becone a lot easier.

In pseudo code:

  • set previous of root to new node
  • set new node next to root
  • set root to new node

You need to link the new node with the current node by setting the next_link of the new node with the current node.

public class DoublyLinkedList {
    DoublyLinkedList prepend(String info) {
        // Beginning of a list, insert new element
        if (prev == null) {
            // this is the changed line.
            prev = new DoublyLinkedList(info, null, this);
        } else {
        return prev;
  • could you help me with a metode delete(int index): for the same issue, I dont know how to implement it? Commented Dec 16, 2012 at 15:20

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