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How to configure dialect in SQLfluff for Super-linter actions in GitHub actions YML file?

I have bunch of SQL files in my Private repo in GitHub main branch.I would like to lint all the files before copying them to the DEV branch in my repo. For this I am using Super-linter action from ...
biggboss2019's user avatar
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GitHub self-hosted runner for other branches are not pulling the latest changes

I have the following YAML file. On every push to the branch, it should pull the latest code, build, and restart the service. It is running successfully on every push but when I SSH into the server, ...
Ammar Khalid's user avatar
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How to auto close GitHub issue using GitHub CLI in GitHub Actions

I would like to automatically close the issue once it is created. For this I referred to Actions marketplace and this action. Currently my code in YAML file looks like below. GitHub token is saved in ...
biggboss2019's user avatar
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Set-AzureADMSTrustFrameworkPolicy powershell cmdlet works on laptop but not in github actions. No changes done

I have created a service principle in Azure AD B2C and want to upload TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml file to it using Set-AzureADMSTrustFrameworkPolicy powershell cmdlet in GHA. Everything in this works ...
Ashwin Agarkhed's user avatar
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Deploying files from GitHub to Azure

I am having a GitHub action where everything looks like a success, however it seems like the application is not deployed. yaml: name: Build and deploy Python app to Azure Web App - fast-api-port on: ...
Thomas Segato's user avatar
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PowerShell write progress to log for non-interactive session

Most questions I see are trying to suppress progress in non-interactive mode, but I'd like to be able to output just the message to the console in GitHub Actions, cause now it's hard to see what's ...
jessehouwing's user avatar
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Github Action threw "Error DOM is required."

I upgrade a Symfony project using Docker from version 6.4 to 7.1. Dockefile has snippet of code as bellow to install PHP extension: ... RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ libfreetype6-...
Tommy Hoang's user avatar
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gr2m/set-cron-schedule-action - Getting Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')

I am still encountering an error, even after hardcoding the token and cron values. In main.yaml, - name: Set cron schedule uses: gr2m/set-cron-schedule-action@v2 with: ...
user26400325's user avatar
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Actions is currently unavailable for your repository, and your Pages site requires a Jekyll build step. To continue building your site on pushes, [closed]

Build and deployment Actions is currently unavailable for your repository, and your Pages site requires a Jekyll build step. To continue building your site on pushes, you need to enable Actions. Learn ...
KIRAN KUMAR K's user avatar
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Why doesn't mypy follow config in GitHub Actions?

If I run mypy locally it will only type check certain files because the pyproject.toml file has the following inclusion: [tool.mypy] files = [ "python/project/", "python/...
Attack68's user avatar
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Azure Login in seperate jobs within the same workflow use different Subject Identifier

So I'm trying to set up a GitHub Actions workflow which deploys an ARM template and then deploys multiple apps to azure resources. Since I'm deploying multiple apps, I am trying to deploy the apps in ...
Nimesco's user avatar
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List differing Commits in PR does not work in GitHub Action

I am trying to list commits that are differing between the main branch and my current branch in a script that's also being utilized by a GitHub action: $ git log --pretty="format:%h" --right-...
Jazzschmidt's user avatar
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Not able to run tests on playwright using browserstack in localhost, as localhost is not working

I am trying to run playwright tests against localhost on browserstack. I am not sure if the localhost is up, and if its up why playwright is not running the tests My browserstack yml is as: userName: ...
Vidhya's user avatar
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Add multiple variables for one selectable option

I want to create a single manual trigger pipeline for multiple environments for example dev,qa and prod. In my pipeline for each of these environments I have 3-4 variables which are dependant on the ...
Атанас Чолаков's user avatar
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/__e/node20/bin/node: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by /__e/node20/bin/node)

I have a github action (someone else made it, and pretty sure it works in the past) jobs: # some other job/steps... upload-binary-to-s3: if: startsWith(github.ref_name, 'xx-vault-plugin_') ...
Kokizzu's user avatar
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