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How to send Google Analytics 4 e-commerce events using @next/third-parties/google package and sendGTMEvent function in Next.js?

We have a Next.js app that uses Pages Router. For the purposes of analytics, we implemented GA4 via GTM. This works fine for basic (and enhanced) tracking, but we need to send specific e-commerce ...
Radan Jovic's user avatar
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How to listen to Enhanced Measurement events from js?

I want to pass Enhanced Measurement events from Google Analytics through an iframe. Specifically I want to capture events, such as form_start and form_submit, etc and then send them to the parent ...
Mark's user avatar
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Hashing with sha256 when sending user_data to GA4, Google ads, etc

tl;dr: Should there be a sha256_ prefix to city, regon, postal code, country, and should I hash them or not? ---- details I am wondering wether google doesn't consider city, region and postal code a ...
Marin HTML's user avatar
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How can i calculate the average of a custom event value on GA4?

i have login time for multiple users and i want to show the average, min and max of the login time. how can i do that on GA4 ? following is my code: gtag('event', 'login_time', { event_category: '...
Hammad's user avatar
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Reducing blocking time of GTag script

If you can recognise this: <script src=""></script> It is a heavy file for the first second and so it matters. What I ...
SKB_BGPL's user avatar
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Sending custom event to GA4 via GTM without listing all its attributes

I want to track custom events in GA4 via GTM. I have setup a GA4 custom event tags which works fine. See screenshot below for example, it's not 100% correct to be working as described here but it's ...
Link14's user avatar
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Trying to understanding advanced Google Tag Manager setup with custom tags and variables

I'm a marketing professional who has been doing basic tagging and analytics for clients. I've encountered an account set up by someone with extensive development/analytics knowledge, and I'm ...
Sophie's user avatar
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JavaScript: Firebase Analytics don't log my events in console

I'm newbie to Firebase Analytics Web implementation. But here's my code: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta ...
Ali's user avatar
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Google Analytics from a third party script

I am developing a widget that can be added to a host website via snippet of js code that once rendered will add an iframe to the host website. Now my customers want to give me their GA tracking id so ...
Michael's user avatar
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GA4 events and GTM: parameter values ​are not sent

I have a problem with GA4 and GTM, which i cant solve already for 3 days :( I created a GA4 tag and event, called it "login". It has a parameter "method" which default value is &...
Stephen White's user avatar
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GA pageTracker is undefined

I am trying to download drivers from Dynabook, but there seems to be a GA-related issue. The console provides the following errors: pageTracker is undefined and pageTracker._trackEvent is not a ...
timvb's user avatar
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Filtering dev environment events Google Analytics 4

I'm looking for a solution to be able to automatically filter pageviews from localhost. Ideally I'd like to track developer traffic but I'd like to not have to create custom reports manually to filter ...
Bryan's user avatar
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Get list of date dimensions in chronological order

I would like to get a list of views (any metric really) using the google analytics API. I used the metrics for screenPageViews and the dimension date. I do get the metrics, but they are not in ...
M4X_'s user avatar
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Can't get article properties from web page published in Zendesk

When I add the following in script.js in a ZenDesk template, user properties are returned successfully: var userRole = HelpCenter.user.role; console.log(userRole) This works also var isAdmin = ...
hcdocs's user avatar
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"@google-analytics/data": "^4.x.x" add metricAggregations array. Throw error "Cannot serialize object to proto3 JSON since its .$type is unknown."

I'm using "@google-analytics/data": "^4.7.0" to request ga report, in the request array, I add some payloads which can be mocked by GA4 query explorer, payloads are like dateRanges,...
stevetanus's user avatar

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