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Firebase Google analytics doesn't work in jetpack compose

I carefully did all the tutorial said, like 5 times already, and nothing works. there's no any data in my firebase console, and yes i'm sure its this project. Here is all i did: Installed all ...
oltry's user avatar
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Firebase/Google Analytics for UWP apps

Im developing an react native app for android and UWP(windows). For analytics im currently using app center (microsoft) since they provide sdks for all platforms. App center will be retired next year ...
jdschin's user avatar
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App Crashing while trying to use Firebase analytics

Im developing a C++ Desktop application and trying to use Firebase Analytics using the Firebase C++ SDK from I tried initializing the analytics module but the ...
Vaibhav Agarwal's user avatar
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Not able to store collected_traffic_source values in google analytics

I am working with Firebase Analytics to track custom data in my Android app. Specifically, I want to store source and campaign_id values inside the collected_traffic_source.manual_source and ...
nikhil choudhary's user avatar
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BigQuery and GA4 total users cant match

I'm trying to find out how many distinct user records there are for an event between certain dates with BigQuery. The results of BigQuery query does not match with the Google Analytics and Firebase ...
OmerBoyaci's user avatar
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Can data from firebase analytics exported to bigquey be missing?

My firebase project has bigquery integration but there is a problem, the data I see on the firebase console does not match the data I query on bigquey. Specifically, I checked new user data from 2024/...
Thanh Binh Nguyen's user avatar
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How to segregate debug/release Firebase Crashlytics data from android application

My organisation has recenlty implemented Firebase Crashlytics and Google Analytics into one of their Android applications. We wish segregate the Crashlytics/Analytics data for debug and release ...
Hector's user avatar
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The Gross Purchase Revenue figures between Google Play Console and Google Analytics 4 do not match

Discrepancy in Gross Purchase Revenue Between Google Play Console and Google Analytics 4 We have observed a discrepancy in the Gross Purchase Revenue figures reported by Google Play Console and Google ...
Abhishek Jariwala's user avatar
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How can I setup Google Analytics for my React App?

I'm currently integrating Firebase with my Web React App. To integrate Google Analytics I was using the Google Tag Manager script on the page header tag, and without any extra configuration, I was ...
Manuela Castrillon's user avatar
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Google Analytics: doesn't log geo of users

Our team use Firebase for event analytics in mobile app. My goal right now - explore how people change themself geolocation in time (or sessions). I wrote sql-query in BigQuery and tried the logic of ...
Ku9feld's user avatar
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firebase integration export to bigquery error message

We using firebase to collect events, google analytics is enabled in firebase. Also integration with bigquery is enabled. How can we see error message when something crashes uploading events into ...
Katya's user avatar
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Android Google analytics long average session time

We are using Google analytics in our app(iOS and Android). The Android average session time(8-10mins) seems way higher compared to the iOS(Avg: 1-2 mins). The Android data certainly isn't right. I ...
Droidme's user avatar
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Firebase Messaging works, but Analytics does not

I have empty analytics in firebase dashboard. Firebase Messaging is working fine though. This is my dependency : implementation platform('') implementation 'com....
Futeko TV's user avatar
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Google Analytics Issue for auto track event `in_app_purchase`

We are facing an issue tracking an event named in_app_purchse Normally this event is auto-tracked by the Firebase Analytics event when the user makes any purchase for our game. However, we are not ...
iPAHeartBeat's user avatar
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GA runReport get crashFreeUsersRate by special app

According to this page(, I could get by 'crashFreeUsersRate' metrics by 'platform' dimension. And it really works well. ...
kevin liu's user avatar

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