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2 answers

What does && in javascript mean when used on html elements?

When updating Google Tag Manager to support CSP and nonce, they say to use this script: (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d....
GendoIkari's user avatar
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Capitalize first character of GTM Data Layer Variable

I'm trying to capitalize the first character of a string from user input field. Below is the listener tag that collects the firstname data. `<script> (function () { var element = document....
user25882303's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Pulling URL from Product Page with Attribute Selector?

Im attempting to implement schema markup via Google Tag Manager. For example, one piece of code that would dynamically pull in unique urls from product pages. In plain jane terms, it would be "if ...
Jack Holliday's user avatar
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GA4 + tracking checkbox value on submit

We have a checkout page that includes a checkbox for email signups. I need to be able to track the number of orders submitted with/without the checkbox checked as a means of verifying that the right ...
Erin Corrigan's user avatar
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Share link preview on whatsapp contain google tag manager code [duplicate]

Code appears to WhatsApp share link Does anyone know how to solve this? When I share a website link on WhatsApp, there is a code that includes on preview of the link on WhatsApp. Because it can ...
Jafar R's user avatar
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How to Connect "Custom HTML" Google Tag Manager Tag to Google Analytics (GA4) and Google Ads

Using a third party tool ( to manage appointment sign ups. Goal is to take this conversion data and use it for Google Ads and Google Analytics (GA4). Per Appointy support, the only way to ...
iLoveMechKeyboards's user avatar
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User Defined Variables for Cutsom HTML GTM Tags

I am trying to pull sales value from the data layer using a custom HTML tag. At the moment, I am using a pre-existing user defined variable that works on the client's Google Ads and Meta Ads tags, ...
Alistair Ewin's user avatar
-1 votes
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Need to capture a DOM variable in GTM but the ID is dynamic and changes based on user

Need to return phone number in a form field as a variable in GTM, but the id is dynamic and is not being pushed to the datalayer. Wanting to pull out required value below. <input name="phone&...
Clueless's user avatar
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I need to get the alt attribute of the clicked image element. The alt value of multiple images on click. How to do in tag manager JavaScript?

This is the exact code that i'm using currently. function () { if (document.querySelector("#wrapper > > div > div > div....
Shara's user avatar
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Triggering GTM Event Based on URL Change in Main Page Caused by Click Inside an Iframe

I am working on a web project where I have an iframe embedded in my main page (hosted on Within this iframe, there are links that, when clicked, change the URL of the main page to a ...
Fabian's user avatar
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1 answer

Preventing a Popup from Reappearing in the Same Session Using Google Tag Manager (JavaScript)

In Google Tag Manager, I've created a script containing a popup that is displayed under certain conditions. Specifically, I have two associated triggers that launch the script: after a 30-second ...
Édouard Bernard's user avatar
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2 answers

Parse data within script tag in HTML using JavaScript

Trying to parse some data that is included within a tag in the HTML using JavaScript. Specifically I'd like to retrieve the value for 'email' as in the script below, with the expected output being &...
THart's user avatar
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Google Tag Manager not appearing in page source

I am using Astro framework for building static pages. I got a task to add a google tag right under the opening head tag and the second one immediately after opening the body tag, which I have done (...
rectangular_circle's user avatar
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GA4: Is it risky if I add a parameter to 'page_view' event? [closed]

I want to track some metrics of my webpages (such as the "Average Engagement Time" or the clicks on the ads), switching from one web design to another, by creating a custom dimension in GA4. ...
Hookstark's user avatar
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Change elements in HTML via Javascript, implemented via GTM

We are currently trying out a few new options within our CMS. But before we contact the developers to permanently make the changes to the templates, we would like to try out a few possibilities. To do ...
Vincent Destil's user avatar

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