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Why is "const { userId } = await auth()" returning null using Clerk on a Next.js app?

I'm encountering an issue where userId returned by Clerk's auth() helper is null, even though I'm wrapping my application with the ClerkProvider. Below are the details of my setup and code: Docs: ...
Luca's user avatar
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Set DatePicker to null when getting ESLint and Prettier errors for null and undefined?

I am trying to give my custom DatePicker an initial value of null/make the date empty. I've tried setting the initial state to both null and undefined, but I get either a ESLint or Prettier error that ...
Delilah's user avatar
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Why doesn't the mysql if function convert nulls?

I have a mysql database where some table uses the entity attribute value anti-pattern. I need to query that table and pull in attributes. I'd like to have them as booleans, i.e., where the left join ...
Robert's user avatar
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What does /null appended to the URL mean in Google Analytics

For some reason, we're having this report in Analytics where /null is getting added to the URLs like /this-is-a-page/null. Something to note is that when I go to the page and added something in the ...
Atasha's user avatar
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Exception has occurred. _TypeError (Null check operator used on a null value) error on widget model

This is my code to show thumbnail or food image in my homescreen. But i dont know why the image doesnt appear in my emulator and its showing _TypeError (Null check operator used on a null value) at ...
nabeen zhakariya's user avatar
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How to ensure that NULLs from the database are exported to Excel spreadsheet as NULLs (or blanks cells) and not 0s

I am trying to export the results of a stored procedure to an Excel spreadsheet. However, although the database has some values of 0 (for temperature and hours of use) which are relevant values, it ...
Need Help's user avatar
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Excel de on,t need Filter function to replace null with 0

I am using the filter function but it replaces null cellules's values with 0 , this causes wrong sum and avereges for my sheet . How to let null values using this filter function please? Thanks
dbabti's user avatar
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Check if specific value in a series is NaN

I have a Dataframe where I want to derive a Boolean column based on some other columns, including a check on whether a particular column is NaN: def secret_sauce(my_row): if (pd.isna(my_row["...
Stephen's user avatar
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Polars - How to extract last non-null value on a given column

I'd like to perform the following: Input: df = pl.DataFrame({ "a": [1,15,None,20,None] }) Output: df = pl.DataFrame({ "a": [1,15,None,20,None], "b": [0,14,...
user24758287's user avatar
1 vote
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How can i pass null as a value instead of "null" in formData?

const formData = new FormData(); const fields = { title: bookingTitle, image: image, phone_number: phone || null }; Object.entries(fields).forEach(([key, value]) => { ...
Codder's user avatar
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Struct with fields of List type, but set to null: Heap allocation?

Consider a struct like this: struct ExampleStruct { public int ID; public List<ExampleStruct> children; } Would the following line of code create an object on the heap? ExampleStruct ...
Amos Egel's user avatar
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Null check operator exception on a single computer

The app I've developed is made to be run on Windows and made in flutter: it has been on production for more than a year and is running on probably around a hundred different computers on different ...
il_boga's user avatar
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.NET 8 & Blazor components nullable warning with @ref

From what I understand the recommended method to hide null warnings on services is the following: [Inject] private IExampleService ExampleService { get; set; } = default!;
Dillan K's user avatar
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Polars read_database_uri() failing on `NULL as col` column in sql query

I am able to read data from SQL with nulls, unless a column is created like NULL as col. This causes a Rust panic: thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'not implemented: MYSQL_TYPE_NULL', /__w/...
GBPU's user avatar
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Why am I getting "InvalidOperation: You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression." only when using `-Parallel`? [duplicate]

I am using Powershell version 7.4.6 And I don't understand this behaviour. I have a regular expression $r = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex "a+" and when I run it ( 'a', 'aa'...
Sled's user avatar
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