We focus on cookie compliance so you can focus on work.

Get your website compliant in minutes, so you can focus on your business. Discover our fully featured Consent Management Platform (CMP).

Certified CMP Partner
Cookiehub Mobile
Trustpilot ratings
Trusted and used by 25,000+ websites and companies around the world.

You don’t need to be a privacy expert

Staying up to date with growing data privacy regulations and handling cookie consent with a cumbersome tool takes valuable time away from designing, developing, and optimising your websites and platforms. Cookiehub provides peace of mind that your websites become and remain compliant, so you can focus on doing your job.

Seamless integration

Just a few clicks away from easily setting up your cookie consent widget.


Choose between various themes, style buttons, colours and placement of the widget shown on your website.

Peace of mind

Ensuring you are following ever-changing cookie privacy regulations around the world.

Regulations Worldwide

Cookiehub Regulations Worldwide
Implementing CookieHub

Simply works with your favourite platforms.

Integrating CookieHub with your favourite website builder or CMS is a seamless process and one we help guide you through.

CookieHub is tightly integrated with Google Tag Manager (GTM) and automatically sends triggers based on actions made in the CookieHub widget.

Simple, yet powerful

Take control of your cookie privacy with confidence. Explore our features designed for simplicity and built for reliability.

Cookie Scanner

Scans your website for you and detects the cookies that are in use.Learn more

Cookie Notice

Automatically generates a detailed list of the cookies in use on your site.


Gain your customers trust by ensuring their privacy is taken seriously.

Cookie Consent Management

Discover how we can help your business

Fully compliant for only €8 per month

Great for your business website

Take full control with enterprise

CookieHub Dashboard

Scan your website for cookies

You can check your website for cookies for free by using our cookie scanner tool. We will generate a help report of the cookies currently in use.

Consent log

Cookie Consent Log

When the consent log feature is enabled, CookieHub logs and stores user consents along with necessary information required to look up user choices in case you’ll have to demonstrate consents to authorities. This feature is only available for premium subscriptions.

It’s easy to be compliant with CookieHub

Sign up today and create a custom cookie banner for your website

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