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Charm Shop

Miniature perfection, charms are our favorite tiny treasures

In Love with Lockets

Keep your loved ones close to your heart

Vintage Engagement Rings

Find your dream ring, from old cut diamonds that shine bright to fun, colorful stones

The Perfect Gift

Jewels under $1,000

Fox & Bond Originals

Our in-house line of customizable, fine jewelry inspired by some of our favorite vintage finds

Fox & Bond Originals
+ custom gold options
Fox & Bond Originals
+ custom gold and stone options
Fox & Bond Originals
+ custom gold and stone options
Fox & Bond Originals
+ custom gold options
Fox & Bond Originals
Fox & Bond Originals
+ custom gold and engraving options
Fox & Bond Originals
+ custom gold options
Fox & Bond Originals
+ custom gold and engraving options
Fox & Bond Originals
+ custom gold and stone options