Point Blank (1967)
Lee Marvin: Walker
Brewster : You're a very bad man, Walker, a very destructive man! Why do you run around doing things like this?
Walker : I want my money. I want my $93,000.
Brewster : $93,000? You threaten a financial structure like this for $93,000? No, Walker, I don't believe you. What do you really want?
Walker : I - I really want my money.
Brewster : Well, I'm not going to give you any money and nobody else is. Don't you understand that?
Walker : Who runs things?
Brewster : Carter and I run things. I run things.
Walker : What about Fairfax? Will he pay me?
Brewster : Fairfax is a man who signs checks.
Walker : No, cash.
Brewster : Fairfax isn't going to give you anything. He's finished. Fairfax is dead. He just doesn't know it yet.
Walker : Somebody's got to pay.
[first lines]
Walker : Cell. Prison Cell. How did I get here?