15 of 29 found this mild
In one scene Chris (a woman) is naked in bed with a man seen mainly from the back. As she gets out of bed she keeps her breasts covered. She is shown in the background nude very briefly, but the lighting is dark so little is seen.
In one scene man slowly unbuttons front of woman's dress. No nudity but passionate kissing.
In a jazz club, nude art is projected onto a movie screen that serves as a backdrop for the band.
8 of 14 found this moderate
Fairly violent for a 1967 movie. Scenes include several fistfights, a glass bottle smashed across a man's face, pistol whipping, a man falling to his death from a building, and gunshots from both long- and point-blank range.
9 of 13 found this mild
9 of 12 found this mild
Minor alcohol use depicted in a jazz club. Some characters smoke cigarettes and Caroll O'Connor chews (but does not light) a cigar. One character overdoses on sleeping pills (possibly on purpose), and another character also uses them.
10 of 13 found this mild
This is film noir so some scenes are intentionally intensified with music, sounds, and camera angles. Mainly loud gunshots and graphic violence.