Lawn Dogs (1997)
Sam Rockwell: Trent
Trent Burns : What you piss in is yours for life.
[Devon is unbuttoning her blouse to show Trent her scar]
Trent Burns : You're not old enough
Devon : It's not my tits I want to show you, stupid !
Trent Burns : Okay, it's about time for you to head on home.
Devon : I told my mom I'd spend the night at Tracey Kellar's. Do you know Tracey Kellar?
Trent Burns : [no]
Devon : Neither do I.
Devon : I'm not a princess.
Trent Burns : Yeah, well I'm still piss poor.
Trent : I don't like ribbons, and I got me a hangover.
Trent Burns : Trees don't give a damn about people.
Trent Burns : Whatever you piss in is yours for life.
Devon : [making conversation] Is that a '65 Ford? The '65 F100 is the best motor Ford ever made. Is it three-on-a-tree?
Trent Burns : Yeah.
Devon : My uncle had a truck like that. He was Russian. From Indiana. Born on the wrong side of the train.
Trent Burns : Wrong side of the "tracks".
Devon : Right. He said the mounts were going bad on the truck, so one night, he drove it into Spoon river... never drove back out.
Trent Burns : What a shame.
Devon : That's what my aunt said.
Trent Burns : You can rebuild the mounts. I did it.