S.W.A.T. (2003) Poster


Samuel L. Jackson: Sgt. Dan 'Hondo' Harrelson



  • Hondo : How can I trust a man who won't eat a good old-fashioned American hotdog?

    Street : [smiling]  He's a vegetarian.

  • Street : So why'd you pick me?

    Hondo : To piss off the captain.

  • Hondo : You still want to work S.W.A.T?

    Chris : No. I just enjoy applying all the time.

  • Hondo : You know what they say, you're either SWAT or you're not.

  • [about Hondo's S.W.A.T. selection] 

    Capt. Thomas Fuller : Sanchez is a woman and Street, well he's on my shit list

    Hondo : Hey! I'm on your shit list too and I'm the team captain.

  • [last lines] 

    Hondo : Technically, our watch has been over for 12 hours.

    Street : So?

    Hondo : Yeah. What the hell. Mount up.

  • [From the first trailer] 

    Hondo : Let's try to get in the killing mode.

    Chris : I am in killing mode.

    Hondo : So why you smiling?

    Chris : Because it tickles me.

  • McCabe : [lying in the disabled learjet]  How's Boxer?

    Hondo : What do you care?

    McCabe : C'mon, Hondo, just give me that.

    Hondo : He's going to make it.

    McCabe : Good.

    Hondo : Just couldn't resist, could ya? So what do you wanna do?

    McCabe : Goddamnit, Sarge.

    [McCabe shoots himself dead] 

  • Hondo : Street. Don't beat him so badly I can't get a rematch, all right?

    Street : I won't make any promises.

    Hondo : It's my money, man.

  • Hondo : The reason we're gathered here on our God-given, much-needed day of rest is that we have a Polish hostage.

    Deke : So what if he's Polish?

    Hondo : No, no. Means he's one of those: "Anyone comes in, I'll blow my head off" type of guys.

  • Hondo : You look like you need a Band-Aid.

    Street : Somebody else needs a body bag downstairs.

  • Hondo : 10-David, this is 70-David.

    Capt. Thomas Fuller : 70-David, where the hell are you?

    Hondo : We are somewhere around Sixth and Trenton. We lost communication in the tunnels. Where's our backup?

    Capt. Thomas Fuller : [**POSSIBLE SPOILER**]  Everything I have is going to Hawthorne Airport. That's where your friends Gamble and T.J. McCabe are headed.

    Hondo : That's the other side of town! Send a couple units to pick us up.

    Capt. Thomas Fuller : PICK YOU UP? For all I know you're in on this! I got a good mind to bring you in!

    Hondo : [to Street, Sanchez, and Deke]  Like hell. Come on, let's go.

  • [to Captain Fuller] 

    Hondo : Shame you're not playing a terrorist.

  • Hondo : Sorry. Wrong room.

    Chris : Who are you looking for?

    Hondo : Chris Sanchez.

    Chris : I'm Chris Sanchez.

    Hondo : YOU'RE Chris Sanchez?

    Chris : Look, if you're Internal Affairs, that guy had razorblades in his mouth. I had to put him down hard. I'm sick and tired of these bullshit complains because some vato doesn't like getting thrown to the pavement by a woman.

    Hondo : [Raises eyebrow]  I look like IAD to you?

    [Sanchez shrugs] 

  • Capt. Thomas Fuller : Nice job.

    Hondo : Don't sound so happy.

    Capt. Thomas Fuller : Still got a problem. He's still here.

    [Gestures towards Alex Montel] 

    Chris : Road trip?

    Street : [Beaten up from the fight with Gamble]  Road trip.

    Hondo : Yeah... road trip. Guess you'll have to fire us later.

    [Street spits blood out of his mouth, team walks away toward arriving SWAT truck with Fuller smiling at the team for once in the whole movie] 

  • Hondo : [Deke shoots a card]  10 of Spades. Spade flush.

    Street : Hondo, isn't that a straight flush?

    Hondo : Hold the phone. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten of Spades. Deke!

    Deke : Beats four Aces in Compton any day!

  • McCabe : What? No roll, Hondo?

    Hondo : How do you know I didn't?

    McCabe : You didn't, did you?

    Hondo : They only roll in John Woo movies, not in real life.

  • [after hearing Street over radio yell officer down] 

    Hondo : Flip a bitch!

    Deke : Flippin' a bitch!

  • Hondo : Street, you have a driver's license?

    Street : Got a library card.

    Hondo : Good enough. So get your uniform on. You're driving me around today.

  • Hondo : I need your A-game boys... and girl.

  • Velasquez : [Deleted Scene: Hondo's Introduction- Lt. Velasquez says to Officers of SWAT Division]  Gentlemen! Our new 70-David has just made his first stealth entry. If you don't know him, you've probably heard of him: Sergeant Dan "Hondo" Harrelson!

    [Officers cheer and applaud, with Boxer and McCabe's voices louder than the others] 

    Velasquez : Here is a man who will outrun, outfight, outshoot

    [Hondo raises his eyebrows in disbelief at Velasquez] 

    Velasquez : , outsmart, out-paperwork, ALL OF YOU.

    McCabe : I got 20 bucks says otherwise.

    Boxer : I'll cover 10 of it for you.

    Velasquez : Now you know gambling's not allowed, and I shouldn't have to tell you that... but I'll cover that 10.

    Boxer : Done.

    Velasquez : Few words, Sergeant?

    Hondo : As a matter of fact...

    [Pretends to smack TJ with his book] 

  • Hondo : Here's where watching 'The World's Most Exciting Police Chases' pays off.

  • Hondo : Oh look, they got their own airport security.

  • Hondo : Drop Fruit of the Loomski in the A-car.

  • Hondo : [Deleted Scene: Hondo Reviews Files at Home outside, hears a noise on the ground, then looks down at a deer from his balcony]  Hey! Get the hell off my damn property.

    Hondo : [Deer looks at him]  There's coyotes up here.

    Hondo : As a rule, they're punks, but if I was you, I'd watch my back.

  • Hondo : Let's go make the Captain look like a hero.

  • Capt. Thomas Fuller : The Chief is *making* me take you back. He's concerned about losing all his best officers to other cities.

    Hondo : He thinks that I'm one of his best officers?

    Capt. Thomas Fuller : But, he's given me complete oversight, and trust me, you've got no room for error.

    [Looking at the files] 

    Capt. Thomas Fuller : So, I will give you Boxer, T.J. McCabe and this new guy, uh, Deacon Kay. I'm gonna pass up the other 2. Sanchez is a woman and Street? Well, Street's on my shit list.

    Hondo : Hey, *I'm* on your shit list too, and I'm the team leader.

    Capt. Thomas Fuller : You work for *me* now, and it's *my* team to choose.

    Hondo : With all due respect, Captain, other leaders get to pick their teams.

    Capt. Thomas Fuller : And you can too, just pick two new people.

    Hondo : Look. Just give me the team I asked for. You can even call it your *shit list* team. That way, if anything goes wrong, you can put all the blame on me. It'll be just like old times.

    Capt. Thomas Fuller : Okay. Okay, you got your team.

    [Puts the files together] 

    Capt. Thomas Fuller : But, when you fail, and you probably will fail, Sanchez goes back to Traffic, and you and your boy Street are plain gone.

    [Hondo shrugs in disgust] 

    Capt. Thomas Fuller : No, not just off S.W.A.T., off the force. You *feel* me?

    Hondo : Oh yeah, I *feel* you.

  • Hondo : How the hell can I trust a man who won't eat a good old-fashioned American hot dog?

  • Hondo : [last lines, sitting in the front passenger seat of a SWAT truck, after hearing a diamond robbery taking place over the radio, turns head back to see Street]  technically our watch has been over for twelve hours

    Street : [turns his head back to see Hondo, then turns his head back to face forward, smiles, while putting on his radio headset]  so?

    Hondo : [sits up straight]  yeah, what the hell?

    Hondo : [grabs underneath his seat to get the rifle ready]  Mount up !

  • Hondo : Deke, the frog's runnin'!

  • Hondo : You know what? I think he might be Polish.

    Deke : Unbelievable.

See also

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