Sex and the City (TV Series)
The Cheating Curve (1999)
Sarah Jessica Parker: Carrie Bradshaw
Carrie : The problem is that you two have very different definitions of what constitutes cheating.
Charlotte York : I don't tolerate it.
Samantha Jones : And I'm more forgiving and realistic about human nature.
Miranda : That's because you cheat.
Carrie : I just don't think that you can define cheating in absolute terms.
Miranda : You think it's okay to cheat?
Carrie : Well, I think maybe there's a cheating curve. Someone's definition of what constitutes cheating is in direct proportion to how much they themselves want to cheat.
Miranda : That's moral relativism.
Carrie : I prefer to think of it as quantum cheating.
Samantha Jones : The fact is, the act of cheating is defined by the act of getting caught. One doesn't exist without the other.
Carrie : [voiceover] I wondered, was Samantha right? Is cheating like the proverbial tree in the forest? That it doesn't exist if there's no one around to catch you? In a gravity-free world of anything goes, what constitutes cheating?
Carrie : Sure I knew it was wrong, seeing an emotionally unavailable man I had sworn off months earlier. But the guilt worked like an aphrodisiac. I had never felt sexier or more alive in my entire life.