543 reviews
Want a good DC Story? This ain't one.
Want a fun show that you can enjoy with family and has a simple yet good premise that knows what its doing?
Teen Titans Go may or may not be for you. Me though? It's whatever, it's okay and it's simple like Uncle Grandpa. 6/10
Want a fun show that you can enjoy with family and has a simple yet good premise that knows what its doing?
Teen Titans Go may or may not be for you. Me though? It's whatever, it's okay and it's simple like Uncle Grandpa. 6/10
- josephellis
- Dec 28, 2020
- Permalink
Look, I'm not a huge fan of Teen Titans Go either. I'm just utterly shocked at all the reviews that I'm seeing here.
Everyone is criticizing the show because it isn't like the old Teen Titans, and many reasons that will just create a long list that'll probably take the entire day to go through.
But, the fact that people don't understand what this show is supposed to be is really surprising to me.
This is a parody.
This is supposed to be a more child friendly approach, and a more comedic/Slice Of Life centered Show.
But however, that does not mean the show has problems.
First off, a lot of the episodes are just....really bad.
For example, The True Meaning Of Christmas. This episode has to be the worst of them all!
I don't know why Robin and the others are killing elves, Raven is committing cannibalism on gingerbread people, and the fact that they re supposed to be heroes has a huge say in this!!
This is supposed to be a Christmas Special, not a naughty makeover!
Second, the comedy can most of the time be pretty lackluster. It's basically a hit or miss kind of thing, but to me it was a HUGE miss.
And third, sometimes there are moments in the show where I just want to smash my TV. Those moments I'm talking about are so stupid, so unnecessary, that they're the IQ equivalent of Breadwinners!
But, that's not to say that there aren't some good things to say about Teen Titans Go.
First off, I want to talk about 40%, 40%, 20%.
This episode is without a doubt something amazing. The way it was executed, the animation, everything about it was just spectacular. I'm just gonna say this right now, but this episode felt like something out of the original Teen Titans, and it was pretty epic.
Second, the way they responded to criticism was just downright awesome.
They had an EPISODE dedicated to this! A FULL EPISODE!
I have watched it, and I gotta say that the humor hit very hard that episode in my opinion. The way that it was handled just felt so right, and I just want to give a round of applause to the people behind that episode, because that was pretty clever if you ask me!
And third, I keep talking about episodes, but there are some episodes that are passable, and few that are just hysterical.
I've cruised through the series, and while a majority of the episodes are bad, there is a chunk of episodes that are pretty passable, and a small fragment that are just awesome episodes.
I'm not gonna mention which ones they are, but I'll let you guys find out what they are yourselves. GOOD LUCK!
So overall, Teen Titans Go may not be a very good show, but there are some qualities that make the series passable.
That's the end of this somewhat lackluster review, see ya later!
Everyone is criticizing the show because it isn't like the old Teen Titans, and many reasons that will just create a long list that'll probably take the entire day to go through.
But, the fact that people don't understand what this show is supposed to be is really surprising to me.
This is a parody.
This is supposed to be a more child friendly approach, and a more comedic/Slice Of Life centered Show.
But however, that does not mean the show has problems.
First off, a lot of the episodes are just....really bad.
For example, The True Meaning Of Christmas. This episode has to be the worst of them all!
I don't know why Robin and the others are killing elves, Raven is committing cannibalism on gingerbread people, and the fact that they re supposed to be heroes has a huge say in this!!
This is supposed to be a Christmas Special, not a naughty makeover!
Second, the comedy can most of the time be pretty lackluster. It's basically a hit or miss kind of thing, but to me it was a HUGE miss.
And third, sometimes there are moments in the show where I just want to smash my TV. Those moments I'm talking about are so stupid, so unnecessary, that they're the IQ equivalent of Breadwinners!
But, that's not to say that there aren't some good things to say about Teen Titans Go.
First off, I want to talk about 40%, 40%, 20%.
This episode is without a doubt something amazing. The way it was executed, the animation, everything about it was just spectacular. I'm just gonna say this right now, but this episode felt like something out of the original Teen Titans, and it was pretty epic.
Second, the way they responded to criticism was just downright awesome.
They had an EPISODE dedicated to this! A FULL EPISODE!
I have watched it, and I gotta say that the humor hit very hard that episode in my opinion. The way that it was handled just felt so right, and I just want to give a round of applause to the people behind that episode, because that was pretty clever if you ask me!
And third, I keep talking about episodes, but there are some episodes that are passable, and few that are just hysterical.
I've cruised through the series, and while a majority of the episodes are bad, there is a chunk of episodes that are pretty passable, and a small fragment that are just awesome episodes.
I'm not gonna mention which ones they are, but I'll let you guys find out what they are yourselves. GOOD LUCK!
So overall, Teen Titans Go may not be a very good show, but there are some qualities that make the series passable.
That's the end of this somewhat lackluster review, see ya later!
- theoneandonlymeeple
- Jan 16, 2017
- Permalink
Hello Everybody Today I'm Going to talk about Teen Titans Go for the third time. I Know made a review on this show back in November of last year But I have changed my opinion on Teen Titans Go. I Have Found the show to be watchable & kind of funny. I still think some episodes of Teen Titans Go to be Crap but I have enjoy some episodes like "Secret Garden" and "Easter Creeps" & yes the Characters are Annoying but still sometimes funny & Plus I was never a Big fan of the original Teen Titans but I find it okay just like Teen Titans Go. People do say Cartoon Network airs it to much but they air other shows Like the Ben 10 Reboot, Gumball & other shows. Anyway I was way too harsh on this show & I find it to be Decent not Great but Decent. 7/10.
- GravityLoudHouseLover1
- Apr 25, 2017
- Permalink
Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.
This show is shocking. The jokes were so bad, it was painfully unfunny. The artwork was so poor and far from the first show.
Also, they managed to screw the characters so much that Raven is completely different from the original goth queen that we knew her as to a closet brony? Come on. Stick with the character you had for the old time fans at least.
The problem with the world today is that producers want to cram as much pop culture references into whatever they can because they think it'll sell. They're completely missing the point of what makes a show charming. Don't blame the animators or the studios, blame the producers, as they force what you see on screen to be made.
Also I miss the old teen titans, this is nothing but mindnumbingly gags that will be forgotten 10 seconds after they've been watched. Plus, Beast Boy is supposed to be a vegetarian, but yet can eat bacon which the last time I check was meat! Such a let down and I don't think that it's worth get anything.
This show is shocking. The jokes were so bad, it was painfully unfunny. The artwork was so poor and far from the first show.
Also, they managed to screw the characters so much that Raven is completely different from the original goth queen that we knew her as to a closet brony? Come on. Stick with the character you had for the old time fans at least.
The problem with the world today is that producers want to cram as much pop culture references into whatever they can because they think it'll sell. They're completely missing the point of what makes a show charming. Don't blame the animators or the studios, blame the producers, as they force what you see on screen to be made.
Also I miss the old teen titans, this is nothing but mindnumbingly gags that will be forgotten 10 seconds after they've been watched. Plus, Beast Boy is supposed to be a vegetarian, but yet can eat bacon which the last time I check was meat! Such a let down and I don't think that it's worth get anything.
- Rjenkins1996
- May 5, 2013
- Permalink
Cartoon Network needs to make money and the public (and by that I mean kids who still watch Cartoon Network)need to like it!And all of the kids I know don't even know that Teen Titans Go is a reboot of an old cartoon.So let's face it, would it have 7 seasons if the kids didn't like it?And it also got a movie by the way.I like the comedy but the fart jokes aren't funny for me like at all.
- albanog-67613
- Dec 5, 2020
- Permalink
Teen Titans Go is a decent comedy that receives way too much hate. People are comparing it to Teen Titans, which is the problem. Once you accept that these are two different cartoons, the more acceptable the show becomes. If the creators hadn't slapped the 'Teen Titans' in the name of the show, then this would have a better average rating. For a complete cartoon comedy, this show is pretty decent. Sure, the comedy is pretty low-brow at times, but it does have a few clever moments, with acceptable animation. Comparing this to Teen Titans is like comparing Dora the Explorer to the spin-off aimed at a higher demographic; you just can't. Essentially, this is a children's comedy with expectable children's comedy, with the inclusion of a few clever jokes. I would recommend it to children who want to kill ten minutes every once and a while.
- kirkir-17920
- Oct 9, 2016
- Permalink
Let's get one thing straight from the beginning: Teen Titans GO! is not a reboot of the older and more mature TV show of the early 2000's. Instead, TTG is a very entertaining mixture of usual superhero romp (with the gratuitous violence) and self-deprecating humor, with characters that represent several human foibles, especially when it comes to how Robin is portrayed: as the power-mad leader of the Titans who is capricious, eccentric, jealous, paranoid and spoiled rotten. Most of the humor is the type of pie-in-the-face you find in cartoons like Spongebob, but there are also plenty of jokes for us adults, especially for those of us who grew up in the 80s. I also perceive a libertarian streak in some of the writing; for instance the episode "Nose Mouth" clearly shows the dangers of abusing a great power (Raven's black magic) to fix apparent minor personality flaws in some of the team members, with things getting out of hand the moment Raven started to see problems to 'fix' around her which turns her into an evil entity quite rapidly. That has to be one of the best analogies about government abuse of power I have seen on a TV show.
Now I haven't seen the original show except in passing. I did read some of the comments from what I gather are very serious fans of the original talking trash about Teen Titans GO! These fans are taking things a little too seriously. Teen Titans GO! is obviously a comedy show which lampoons the original TT in particular and superheroes in general. In my view, if there was a bunch of superheroes that screamed for lampooning, it was the Teen Titans; the original characters themselves are quite ridiculous, especially the non-human Starfire and Raven which were invented back in the 80s as sensual überfrauen. In fact I think the new characters are much more attractive and endearing that the original characters precisely because of how each lampoons the older and ostensibly more serious characters. There is an obvious sexual innuendo in the way the original characters in Teen Titans were drawn and portrayed, and in Teen Titans GO! they simply make it obvious in order to make fun of this sensuality (for instance, watch episode "Legs" and "Mr. Butt".)
I do recommend the show and recommend you buy the DVDs. The comedy is very entertaining and funny - not always, but most of the time. The inside jokes are hilarious. The writers have much more creative freedom, thus the jokes and situations tend to push the envelope at many times.
Now I haven't seen the original show except in passing. I did read some of the comments from what I gather are very serious fans of the original talking trash about Teen Titans GO! These fans are taking things a little too seriously. Teen Titans GO! is obviously a comedy show which lampoons the original TT in particular and superheroes in general. In my view, if there was a bunch of superheroes that screamed for lampooning, it was the Teen Titans; the original characters themselves are quite ridiculous, especially the non-human Starfire and Raven which were invented back in the 80s as sensual überfrauen. In fact I think the new characters are much more attractive and endearing that the original characters precisely because of how each lampoons the older and ostensibly more serious characters. There is an obvious sexual innuendo in the way the original characters in Teen Titans were drawn and portrayed, and in Teen Titans GO! they simply make it obvious in order to make fun of this sensuality (for instance, watch episode "Legs" and "Mr. Butt".)
I do recommend the show and recommend you buy the DVDs. The comedy is very entertaining and funny - not always, but most of the time. The inside jokes are hilarious. The writers have much more creative freedom, thus the jokes and situations tend to push the envelope at many times.
- ftorresgamez
- Dec 28, 2015
- Permalink
These people have a large nostalgic love for the first show and because of that their stubbornness doesn't allow for an actual unbiased, critical review on the show. The show is funnier than these people say. These different characters and references are pretty good. They complain that the story is bad, but I dont see it. Each episode is a little story and it's not bad. These oldies bother me because obviously they don't know how to review film, they just saw the old show and thought, we have to compare these two to properly review the film. This show is completely different from the original and I would suggest to never compare them. The problems I have with this show is that some of the jokes can be a little childish, which make sense, but they bore you as you go on. As a kid, I would love this show, but I also watched iCarly and that show wasn't that great. Also the animation is a little lazy. I've seen better, more creative animation. This show is okay. If you're kid is watching, you won't die watching along but it definitely won't be your first choice.
The popularity of Toddler Titans is questionable to me.I don't find it funny and most of the morals and jokes are incredibly stupid and rage-inducing. For example,take an episode like "Knowledge." The moral it teaches is "If you're smart,you will be a huge bummer and no one will like you,but if you're an idiot and brain dead,everyone will be friends with you." Now if that's not offensive,I don't know what else from this show is. If the show wants to be funny,that's fine,but they need to at least TRY to be funny,and the sad thing is that the creators know this show is stupid! No,seriously. Another thing that bothers me about this show is the creators' response to the criticism it gets.For example,in "Dreams",they literally DUBBED OVER A SCENE FROM TROUBLE IN TOKYO. It's like they're trying to say "Hey!If you don't like this show,screw you!We ruined your PRECIOUS SHOW. And screw you again!" Another example of this is actually an entire episode where the titans become serious and make fun of the older show even though the older show had funny moments. Another big screw you to older fans!
So yeah,"Your new favorite show" certainly isn't mine! If you want to watch something that's actually funny,I recommend that you watch The Amazing World of Gumball,and if you want a show that's like the original Teen Titans,I recommend that you watch Steven Universe.
So yeah,"Your new favorite show" certainly isn't mine! If you want to watch something that's actually funny,I recommend that you watch The Amazing World of Gumball,and if you want a show that's like the original Teen Titans,I recommend that you watch Steven Universe.
- tomjackson40
- Jun 15, 2015
- Permalink
Teen Titans Go! is a reaction to all those dark and gritty reboots coming up in the superhero genre.
Obviously if you are looking for the dark and gritty Teen Titans, this isn't the show for you.
But if you're into seeing the characters in a fresh light, I say do give it a go.
This show amplifies their personalities and story lines, adapting them in a comical way: like, Robin admiring Batman from afar and being overly-ecstatic and ambitious as a leader trying to get his unconvinced team on board with his absurd plans. It delivers sly and clever digs packaged in a friendly style.
It doesn't take itself seriously. It likes to have fun.
Obviously if you are looking for the dark and gritty Teen Titans, this isn't the show for you.
But if you're into seeing the characters in a fresh light, I say do give it a go.
This show amplifies their personalities and story lines, adapting them in a comical way: like, Robin admiring Batman from afar and being overly-ecstatic and ambitious as a leader trying to get his unconvinced team on board with his absurd plans. It delivers sly and clever digs packaged in a friendly style.
It doesn't take itself seriously. It likes to have fun.
- filmbuffering
- Nov 8, 2015
- Permalink
Look, this show is NOT the same as Teen Titans (2003). This reminds me of when people got really upset about Batman: The Brave and the Bold because it was campy, retro, and in general more of a Silver Age variety and not dark and gritty like the Nolanverse. BTBATB was a great show because it got people to think about comics and DC heroes in a different way than has been done since the advent of uber-realistic hero films/programming.
I'm a big DCU fan,and I have been for a long time. I also have a young son, and I really enjoy watching this show with him. He's a bit young for me to feel super positive about letting watch some of the darker DC shows (There are some pretty dark ones), but this one, I feel is fine. It's just a bit of fun. I like that he is able to have a show that he enjoys and learns about characters that I grew up reading. The characters share the spirit that the characters have always had, it's just a different interpretation of how to present the characters. It's not for everyone, but what is? Is it ridiculous? Yes. Is it bizarre? Yes. But you know what? Not all DCU shows can (or should even try) to be edgy, boundary pushing explorations of what a hero is. Sometimes it's okay to just have a good time for no reason.
I'm a big DCU fan,and I have been for a long time. I also have a young son, and I really enjoy watching this show with him. He's a bit young for me to feel super positive about letting watch some of the darker DC shows (There are some pretty dark ones), but this one, I feel is fine. It's just a bit of fun. I like that he is able to have a show that he enjoys and learns about characters that I grew up reading. The characters share the spirit that the characters have always had, it's just a different interpretation of how to present the characters. It's not for everyone, but what is? Is it ridiculous? Yes. Is it bizarre? Yes. But you know what? Not all DCU shows can (or should even try) to be edgy, boundary pushing explorations of what a hero is. Sometimes it's okay to just have a good time for no reason.
- joshknight02
- Nov 14, 2013
- Permalink
- Jeffgudorf
- May 4, 2013
- Permalink
Even 4/10 might be a little generous. I didn't go absolutely livid after watching this show, but not in any way because I like it.
Normally I'd honestly roll my eyes at people's seemingly exaggerative negative reviews but believe me I completely understand; this show really is a middle finger to the original shows fans, me being one of them.
I first discovered this show a week ago during a nostalgic re- watching of the original, and the only reason I'm not that mad is because I knew a "spin-off" would never do as good as the original, but I guess a lot of you might have seen that coming. To me though, the show died when the original was cancelled and I knew nothing would ever bring me back in.
Most of the shows humour is just random, goofy and frantic. This along with the the art style basically makes this into a show that only a kid could enjoy. And even then not a single joke is memorable. They seem to have tried to appeal to older audiences with pop-culture references and nods to the rest of the DC universe, hell there's even an episode called "Video Game References," This was the first one I managed to catch on TV and the one Zelda reference I found amusing was not enough in face of all the rest of the cringe moments throughout. So really they're not worth it.
The characters have received a lot of backlash for many reasons. Robin, who was originally a confident, focused and loyal leader has become an overly anxious, raving lunatic. Beast Boy and Cyborg have been criticised as becoming far more mean-spirited to the rest of the team; maybe I just have terrible friends or haven't seen enough yet but in their defence I've seen far, FAR worse. Starfire and Raven are really the only characters that haven't changed a whole lot (except some weird thing about Raven watching a "My Little Pony" knock-off, REALLY...original by the way.) In fact, Raven's sarcastic, deadpan remarks are probably the best attempts at humour this show has to offer.
There are many half developed plots involving romantic relationships between the characters that were seen in the previous series, even a new one which I would have really liked if they took it seriously. The writers approach to these relationships completely ruined it however.
To sum up, if you're a huge fan or never watched Teen Titans, don't bother with this show unless you want to draw your own conclusions. This show's really just useful keeping a kid from getting bored.
Normally I'd honestly roll my eyes at people's seemingly exaggerative negative reviews but believe me I completely understand; this show really is a middle finger to the original shows fans, me being one of them.
I first discovered this show a week ago during a nostalgic re- watching of the original, and the only reason I'm not that mad is because I knew a "spin-off" would never do as good as the original, but I guess a lot of you might have seen that coming. To me though, the show died when the original was cancelled and I knew nothing would ever bring me back in.
Most of the shows humour is just random, goofy and frantic. This along with the the art style basically makes this into a show that only a kid could enjoy. And even then not a single joke is memorable. They seem to have tried to appeal to older audiences with pop-culture references and nods to the rest of the DC universe, hell there's even an episode called "Video Game References," This was the first one I managed to catch on TV and the one Zelda reference I found amusing was not enough in face of all the rest of the cringe moments throughout. So really they're not worth it.
The characters have received a lot of backlash for many reasons. Robin, who was originally a confident, focused and loyal leader has become an overly anxious, raving lunatic. Beast Boy and Cyborg have been criticised as becoming far more mean-spirited to the rest of the team; maybe I just have terrible friends or haven't seen enough yet but in their defence I've seen far, FAR worse. Starfire and Raven are really the only characters that haven't changed a whole lot (except some weird thing about Raven watching a "My Little Pony" knock-off, REALLY...original by the way.) In fact, Raven's sarcastic, deadpan remarks are probably the best attempts at humour this show has to offer.
There are many half developed plots involving romantic relationships between the characters that were seen in the previous series, even a new one which I would have really liked if they took it seriously. The writers approach to these relationships completely ruined it however.
To sum up, if you're a huge fan or never watched Teen Titans, don't bother with this show unless you want to draw your own conclusions. This show's really just useful keeping a kid from getting bored.
- leemitcham
- Dec 27, 2015
- Permalink
Most of the negative reviews of this are complaining how it's horrible and the original Teen Titans was better. The thing is the only things the two shows have in common are Characters that's it. This show is not trying to pick up were the original Teen Titans left off. Teen Titans Go! is a parody of the original show. Like a Robot Chicken Short It's a show that is just fun. No super major story arcs . Just fun. Fanboys and and Fangirls need to get over themselves. The animation style is completely different. I never expected this show to be a continuation. I love the raven episode. IMHO Starlfie the Terrible , Legs, Shades of Raven, Caged Tiger, Meatball Party and Girls Night Out are hilarious. sit back and don't take yourself seriously and enjoy
- lpbott-102-817827
- Feb 26, 2014
- Permalink
I don't know why people just Blab on about how this is bad, i know i used to be one of those guys, but i realized that its just a parody. When the Whole community found out that Aaron Horvath never watched the original,i was like "I can see that your kidding". I f he hasn't seen the original, then explain the expanded references of Teen Titans. Yeah, it's comedy isn't that good, like the Titles that Make no sense to the episode, but they're at least trying to have fun, even if its humor doesn't stand out. TTG over PPG?, I'd take TTG because they still fight crime, but they don't really cringe me out most of the time Unlike PPG. Its just My Little Pony Done Right were it's not invasive but bad, its average. The animation gives you guys a feel of horrible Chibi Pellets, but i just feel the El Tigre out of the Animation, they sometimes don't realize that Beast Boy ate Pepperoni, but didn't spongebob forget to wear his helmet 2 times in a row? Of course, The female characters are so beautiful that I feel like Maria Rivera cloned herself and decided to colonize earth and Diversed herself by evolving into different types of Females, i obviously feel an El Tigre in the animation and attitude. Despite its horrible moments, i'll take it with a pinch of salt
- Howard-30039
- May 4, 2016
- Permalink
OK. I'm a 51-year-old man with two 9-year-old boys. Their TV choices generally bore the hell out of me -- with one big exception: Teen Titans Go! If you have even a passing interest in the DC superhero universe, and even a marginal sense of humor, this show will make you laugh. A lot! It also helps if you love meta-humor (the "Self- Indulgent 200th Episode Spectacular" may be the most meta thing I've ever seen in my life). But those people who criticize the animation or the fact that it doesn't seem to fit in the normal DC universe are missing the point completely. This show is to the real Teen Titans as Lego Star Wars is to the real Star Wars -- a hysterical and loving homage. To the haters, I quote Beast Boy: "Chill out, yo." The voice work (especially the guy who plays Robin) is exceptional, and the minimalist animation really works. The strength of the series, however, is its writing, which wrings every bit of laughter out of even the most mundane situation. To Adam and Michael, this review is for you -- some people may not like what you're doing here, but some of us get it. And it's brilliant!
- jimmycarterb
- Nov 29, 2017
- Permalink
Most of the haters are either people who absolutely adored the old show and won't get over it's downfall or are absolute nerds and work at McDonald's and can't get over the fact that the old show will probably never come back and will never give this show some sort of chance. I don't like this show at all. Look I can understand I absolutely loved the old show too but these people have to get over the fact that it will most likely never come back. As sad as it seems it just the truth. In my overall opinion the show is meh to be honest, most episodes I just absolutely cringed on but on some of them I have laughed in some way. I miss the old show to and still can't believe it's gone but I understand this is meant for a new generation of children and most of all, THIS IS A COMEDY!!!!!!!! It's not as good as the old show but it's good in it's own way. And to be honest I am seriously hoping teen titans will be coming back some day. To be clear this is a complete comedy relief sitcom like SpongeBob. I swear you better watch the old teen titans before watching this. You will see how good the old teen titans are. Treat this show like a comedy show and you'll accept it.
- jediforce10
- May 24, 2013
- Permalink
When I first saw the commercials for this show, I thought, "Oh, hey, they're remaking one of my favorite childhood shows, I hope it'll be good." But I was severely disappointed, and insulted. Teen Titans was the perfect blend of comedy and drama. But this show takes everything you loved from the original, sets it on fire, extinguishes the flames with it's urine, and claims that its your new favorite show. I wouldn't care so much if they didn't insult the people who enjoy, what was, a pretty awesome show. If they did their own thing and ignored what everyone else thought, I wouldn't care. But since they flipped the bird at the people who criticized them, and say that its everyone's favorite show, that's where I get furious. I heard that the creators of the show never saw a single episode of the first Teen Titans, and, by God, I can believe that. If you want your Teen Titans fix, go watch the original show. And bring the kids who keep Teen Titans GO! going, so they can see how awesome the original show is, and how childish this new show is.
- JudgeChaos
- Oct 5, 2015
- Permalink
My daughters got me hooked on "Teen Titans Go!". It is so wacky, it is so zany, and it fills a void: the superhero cartoon that pokes fun at superheroes. Of course, it helps when Cyborg throws in his 80's references every once in a while. It's almost like he's the lone reference point for a nostalgic era. TTG! is crude at times and they are prone to flatulence humor and discussions about booties, but I still like it.
- view_and_review
- Dec 7, 2020
- Permalink