11 of 26 found this moderate
Victoria and Trip have sex, her bare breasts seen.
Some nude woman breast picture show few time in movie.
A quick glimpse of obscene photographs. One shows a woman with her legs spread but her genitals are obstructed by something. However, she has a large dildo in her mouth performing a sex act on it.
A man and woman have sex. We later see the woman masturbating while watching a video of herself having sex.
Talk about sex is common in the film.
6 of 8 found this severe
Some Moderate Horror Violence. Dead corpses are seen in photographs, these images are often bloody
Photographs of dead bodys are shown.
Bloody Violence involving people getting stabbed or mutilated. Corpses are shown dead in photographs. they are often quite bloody.
Characters are stabbed and heavily mutilated.
A woman's neck is broken.
A woman gets her face mutilated (Happens in background so nothing is seen)
5 of 8 found this severe
Moderate language throughout. Uses of "shit," "bitch," and "fuck" are all fairly common.
Frequent uses of "fuck," "shit," "ass," "pussy," "bitch," and "cunt" respectively.
5 of 6 found this mild
Some characters drink and smoke.
3 of 6 found this moderate
A fairly intense movie that will scare younger viewers