Around the world, more than 860 million people volunteer at least once a month, accounting for approximately 15% of the global population. From supplementing emergency services following natural disasters, to leading youth development activities, to supporting environmental conservation, volunteers play an essential role in addressing social, environmental, and economic challenges in their communities. Their engagement yields a substantial impact, contributing an estimated 1.9% to GDP in OECD countries. Despite their importance, volunteering rates have been steadily declining in the years leading up to COVID-19, which further reinforced this trend. Although most recent data suggests that rates have rebounded to baseline levels since, several countries are still experiencing historic lows. This underscores the urgent need to reinvigorate and volunteering and enhance its contributions to local development.
To mark International Volunteer Day, the OECD launched a new paper "Unleashing the potential of volunteering for local development" that takes stock of the latest trends in volunteering internationally and considers approaches to strengthening policies, programmes and initiatives to support volunteering. This webinar presented new insights from the report, followed by a panel discussion featuring leading international experts and practitioners.