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Site Analysis ArchitectureLandscape Architecture DiagramArchitecture Design PresentationArchitecture Portfolio LayoutUrban Design DiagramUrban Design GraphicsArchitecture MappingUrban Design ArchitectureArchitecture Portfolio Designarchitectural paftaIf you want the service, send me a message here, or contact me at the link48
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Thesis Panels ArchitectureArchitecture Thesis ProjectConcept Plan ArchitectureConcept Architecture Ideas SketchUrban Design SketchDesign Concept ArchitectureConcept DiagramsUrban Design ProjectSocial ArchitectureAl ShifaDipping into the rich tapestry of Syria's history and culture, the project aims to evoke a sense of family as it unites the people and attempts to restore public life. It is a celebration of food, culture, art, architecture, history and oneself. The vision is to empower the people of Aleppo and ensure that the memory of their culture and history lives on.3.3k