This is azertuche’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 28
  2. wishlist 4
  3. followers 1
  4. following 28
  1. Snöflingor EP
    by Seba & Ulrich Schnauss
  2. Disc Trail
    by LT
  3. Staminize
    by LT
  4. People On The Ground
    by Royalston
  5. Should I Run
    by Kubatko
  6. Cloudless EP
    by Urbandawn
  7. Etherwood
    by Etherwood
  8. All Singles
    by Secret Operations
  9. Alone In The Dark: EP 3
    by S.P.Y
  10. How We Live (LP)
    by SpectraSoul
  11. Focus Shift
    by Krakota x Urbandawn
  12. Billion Dollar Gravy
    by London Elektricity
  13. Popular Mechanics
    by Royalston
  14. Shiver LP
    by Kosh Anade
  15. Golden Ticket
    by Danny Byrd
  16. Ricochet
    by Reso
  17. Alone In The Dark EP:1
    by S.P.Y
  18. Alone In The Dark EP:2
    by S.P.Y
  19. Back Of Beyond
    by Nu:Tone
  20. Brave Nu World
    by Nu:Tone