This is Iceveins412’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 1986
  2. followers 14
  3. following 417
  1. A Festival of Winters
    by Covered Bridges / Grimhold
  2. Invaded By A Dark Spirit
    by Fell Omen
  3. The Mad King
    by Warrior Path
  4. Warrior Path
    by Warrior Path
  5. Glintstone Sorcery
    by Fanged Imp
  6. Iarnă
    by Bruxa
  7. Sic Semper Vampyris
    by Bruxa
  8. Apothecary's Satchel
    by Witch's Amulet
  9. The Bannered Mare
    by Witch's Amulet
  10. The Lands Between
    by Fanged Imp
  11. omăt
    by Bruxa
  12. The Distant Tower
    by Witch's Amulet
  13. Between The Mist and the End
    by Bruxa
  14. II: Dreams of Ancient Lore
    by Witch's Amulet
  15. By the Light of Grace - Live from the Great Lakes Dungeon Siege
    by Fanged Imp
  16. Colder - Darker
    by Bruxa
  17. Welcome Home
    by Greenwood
  18. Resonance of Our Dolmen
    by Skellig
  19. Saudade...
    by Mourn the Stars
  20. Old Nick - The "Where Poison Apples Grow" EP
    by Old Nick