country | french

21 Hither Ln, East Hampton, NY 11937 | Zillow
21 Hither Ln, East Hampton, NY 11937 | MLS #380082 | Zillow
Twin Headboards Makeover
DIY instructions on how to make this daybed from two twin headboards..looks like something I need for my porch. I could spend entire weekends reading on this. There I'll lay while Jason mows acre after acre :) Maybe I'll occassionally get up to take him a drink
A Stunning Collection of French Country Kitchens | The Cottage Market
The Cottage Market: Country French Kitchens A charming collection
19th C. Antique French Wingback Bergere Chair with toile upholstery... - House Decorators Collection
19th C. Antique French Wingback Bergere Chair with toile upholstery…