Jersey Cow AestheticJersey Milk CowJersey Bull CowJersey CalfBelted Galloway CowsJersey CowBull CowCattle BreedsCattle FarmingJersey Cow AestheticJersey breed, bull. Magnificent animal!!! #Ireland65
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Watercolor CowsHow Many Are ThereJersey CattleAberdeen AngusBelgian BlueJersey CowDairy CattleCattle BreedsBeef CattleAurochs-like cattle breeds: An overviewOf course Heck cattle is not the only aurochs-like cattle breed, not at all. But how many are there? This depends on where you draw the line. Compared with water buffalo, even Austrian Fleckvieh is “aurochs-like”. Therefore, this categorization is purely arbitrary. With the selection down below, I want to present you a list of breeds which have more than just a single aurochs-like feature (like a high-legged slender body in Chianina or huge thick horns in Watussi), but a good representation…44
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