Car Stuff
17 Pins
Car Emergency Kit: Flashlight Booster cables Shovel Gloves Maps Tire pressure gauge Tire repair kit and pump Flares or LED Flasher Toilet paper Money Battery powered radio Extra batteries Paper and pencil Prescription medications White flag to hang on antenna to, 3-day supply of food (food bars), drinking water, thermal blankets, tube tent, poncho
Instructions on how to hot wire your car if your stranded... (but before hot wiring it might be worth trying the old "screwdriver in the ignition" trick, insert a slotted screwdriver in the ignition & turning it over like a regular key. If the car starts, you've saved yourself the hassle & electrical hazards of hot-wiring.) No such luck? Don't fret. You'll still need the screwdriver for the following steps. Just be sure not to get it stuck in the ignition cylinder.
Hunting, Fishing, and Camping Tips from Field & Stream Readers
Carry Duct Tape Minus the Bulky Roll Duct tape can be a lifesaver. But carrying an entire roll takes up valuable space inside a backpack—and you probably won’t need that much tape. Instead, I wrap a couple feet around a Bic lighter, so I always have a short supply inside my pocket. If you need more, you can also wrap some around a Nalgene bottle. —Ben Wagner, Bozeman, Mont.