This beige leather handbag, like all the others, uses our original ideas and handicrafts Our quality is always higher than the price, see for yourself. Our variation of the popular baguette bag for women. This type of bag belongs to the classics that never go out of fashion and are always in trend. This bag has a typical elongated shape and a relatively short handle, which allows it to be carried in the hand or on the shoulder under the arm. The outer valve closes with a gold-colored metal lock. One compartment, inside which there is a pocket with a metal zipper for various small things. Made of smooth Italian leather in a beautiful beige color. Inside, the lining is made of eco-leather. Luxury quality. This model can be made in different leather colors at the request of the buyer. This bag is available in two sizes (Size S and M). 🔹Type: baguette bag, crossbody bag 🔹Size S: 26x14x5 cm (10,24x5,5x1,97 inches) - pocket without metal zipper 🔹Size M: 29x16x5 cm (11,42x6,3x1,97 inches) - pocket with metal zipper 🔹Handle height 21 cm (8,27 inch) - not adjustable 👜 Take a look at our other crossbody and shoulder bags here: 🚚 Standard Shipping is free, approximately takes* United States/Canada 10-15 business days Australia 10-19 business days Europe 9-14 business days Other 9-19 business days 🚀 Fast delivery is possible for an additional fee (determined by agreement). Please don't hesitate to get in touch and we will happily any questions you may have. We accept payment by PayPal and guarantee deliver immediately on completion of payment.