
56 Pins
Lumbar Spine Anatomy and Low Back Pain
The lumbar spine, or lower back, consists of five vertebrae labeled L1 through L5. The lumbar region is situated between the thoracic, or chest, region of the spine, and the sacrum. The lower back region contains large muscles that support the back and allow for movement in the trunk of the body. These muscles can spasm or become strained, which is a common cause of lower back pain. Tap to learn more about lumbar spine anatomy on Spine-health. #backpain #lumbarspine #musclespasm #lowbackpain
Human Anatomy
Human Anatomy Anatomy and Physiology Body Systems Skeletal System Muscular System Circulatory System Nervous System Digestive System Respiratory System Human Body Structure Anatomy Diagrams Anatomy Study Guide Medical Anatomy Human Organs Anatomical Terms Human Anatomy Course Anatomy for Beginners Human Body Functions Anatomy and Health Human Physiology Body Anatomy Chart Human Anatomy Pictures Anatomy Learning Anatomy and Dissection 3D Anatomy Models Medical Education Anatomy and Biology Human
Start the year pain-free! 💯 Haybio is determined to find the solution to your joint or muscle pain with high-quality supplements and pain relief products 💪 . . . #haybio #supplements #cbd #painrelief #pain #painfreedays #hemp #chronicpain #arthritis #osteoarthritis
Chronic Pain Relief Cream
"Find Natural Relief with Our Cannabis-Infused Pain Relief Cream!" : Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to relief with our natural cannabis pain relief cream. Experience the healing power of nature. "Don't let pain hold you back! Our cannabis-infused pain relief cream provides gentle yet effective relief, so you can live life to the fullest." Shop Now! at Cannabisazabodydelights.com #NaturalRelief #PainFreeLiving #CannabisCream
What illnesses can cause leg pain?
This is your golden opportunity to join the FREE Chronic Pain Masterclass. Yes, you heard it right, it's absolutely FREE! 🎉 So, don't miss out on this life-changing event!
Have you ever wondered why it feels uncomfortable when you bend your knee? 💭 Well, sometimes conditions like patellar tendonitis, meniscus tears, and knee arthritis can cause added pressure, leading to some discomfort or difficulty when bending your knee. Taking care of your knees and understanding why they hurt when bending can help you make informed decisions to maintain your joint health and overall well-being. Remember, it’s crucial to seek medical advice if the pain persists or worse...
Si tu fais du foot ⚽️, tu as peut-être déjà expérimenté la tendinopathie du tendon patellaire
Si tu fais du foot ⚽️, tu as peut-être déjà expérimenté la tendinopathie du tendon patellaire 🦵 #football #tendinite #douleurgenou #kiné #anatomie #santé
What can trigger fibromyalgia?
On August 13 at 7pm, I'm hosting a FREE Chronic Pain Masterclass, and I want YOU to be a part of this journey towards reclaiming control over your life and pain. 📅
Why Does My Hand Hurt?
Join me on August 13th at 7 pm for a FREE Chronic Pain Masterclass where we'll delve into the depths of chronic pain, its causes, and most importantly, effective strategies to manage and overcome it.
Hip Arthritis Cure: Total Hip Replacement
Hip replacement surgery is the closest thing we have to hip arthritis cure. Orthopedic surgeon, Cory Calendine, discusses total hip replacement surgery basics. #hippain #hipreplacementsurgery #orthopedicsurgeon #arthritiscure
Une hernie discale se produit quand disque de la colonne vertébrale se déchire ou se rompt.
Une hernie discale se produit lorsqu’un disque intervertébral de la colonne vertébrale se déchire ou se rompt. La partie interne, molle et gélatineuse, du disque peut sortir de la capsule (faire une hernie). Le vieillissement, les blessures et le surpoids peuvent entraîner une hernie discale. Les symptômes d’une hernie discale sont une douleur au niveau du cou (cervicales), du bas du dos (nerf sciatique), d’un bras, d’une jambe #herniadiscal #herniediscale #santé #anatomie #kiné #medecine