Feathers +
16 Pins
Put Your Chicken Feathers to Good Use with These 15 Ideas
Feathers are often discarded when your chickens, ducks, or geese are slaughtered, and that’s a shame because they can be used for so many things. From filling pillows to creating works of art, feathers are versatile and interesting. If you’ve ever had chickens, you know that there are a lot of new feathers left over when you slaughter them. And if you don’t have chickens, but have been given a bag of feathers, what do you do with them all? These are some ideas of what you can do with them.
Poultry Parade
Fine motor fun: Cutting patterns in feathers - Mother Natured
Earning and Saving with Sarah Fuller
41 Fantastic Feather Crafts
This arts and crafts guide is not just a gateway into the fascinating realm of feather artistry, but also a treasure trove of home décor ideas and activities for kids. Be ready to be captivated by the charm of simple feathers can bring to your life, unveiling the potential of what's often overlooked!
Craftsy Hacks
People That Just Had To Show Off Their Incredible Crafts In The “Something I Made”
DIY crafts can be incredibly fun and rewarding! There are endless possibilities depending on your interests and the materials you have on hand. Here are some popular DIY craft ideas to get you started:Paper Crafts: Origami, paper flowers, quilling, or handmade cards are great options if you have paper lying around.,Knitting or Crocheting:,Jewelry Making:, Upcycling:, Candle Making:,wood working ,Happy crafting!