Year of Listening Up

Pins related to the 1Glories blog series: A Year of Listening Up
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Building Christian Character on on Faith and Discipline
In the interest of building Christian character, I did a 2-year study on the resolutions of Jonathan Edwards. For this Year of Listening Up (#YLU2020), I’m using insights gleamed along with the teachings of Peter to help guide the road ahead.
Bearing Spiritual Fruit, Resolutions and Jonathan Edwards
Christian living should bear spiritual fruit. This is evident in Edwards resolutions, where you’ll find they span matters of time, relationships, sin, human nature, behavior, motives,service, and more to frame a context for Christian living and development.
Real Change - Lasting Change - from Resolutions Done Right
Resolutions get more attention for our failures to keep them than they do for the opportunity they present to make powerful and lasting change in our lives. Here's a look at how we can do better at them not just on New Year's Day, but every day.
When Things Come Together, The Body is One
In the church, we come together with Christ as our head, and us as the body. We each have ordinary functions that are vital to achieving the complexity of reaching new believers and discipling them. God seeks for us to take intentional and personal action - to be a a grinder - willing to put forth the effort and work.
Jesus Sightings Show a Watching World He is Present Here
Be on the lookout for Jesus sightings as you go about your day and life. You might just be surprised by when and how he appears.
God Things; Miracles and Answered (or Unanswered) Prayers
Sometimes, there are life circumstances that can only be called “God Things.” This is an example of how God showed me his presence in my life, and then He later proved it to me.
Spirit Promptings: Inklings and Gentle Whispers of God
Spirit promptings are more than emotions and an inward call. They are rooted in relationship with God and studying his living word.
Divine Encounters - 7 Posts on Watching for Evidence of God
Divine encounters take many forms - Jesus Sightings, God Things, Spirit Promptings. That means we’re always in the presence of God. Here’s some posts showing the blessings we get along the way.
Introvert Anxiety Triggers - It’s a Thing!
I can’t help wondering if there is a direct link between anxiety and introverts. The more I think about it, the more I believe it to be true. And, as a classic introvert, I am of course thinking about it – often.
How to Reframe Anxiety for Personal Growth
The ability to reframe anxiety is a personal growth tool that works wonders. Here’s how I’ve used it to do book signings, become friends with strangers, speak at events, and even deliver sermons.
7 Posts About Allowing Anxiety to be Your Teacher
Overcoming anxiety is a lonely road. Though, when properly framed, we can learn much from it. Here’s 7 posts about letting anxiety be your teacher. Keep listening up, kids.
Our Messed Up World and That Time Jesus Came to an Anxious, Waiting World
O Come All Ye Faithful
Silently Judging Others Silently Makes Your Heart Stinky Like Rotting Fish
The way we think and act toward others is an act of judging others. It’s also an extension of our own hearts. Here’s how to get our hearts in good condition. Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash
Have Greater Lasting Impact by Building Up Others
You have an opportunity to make a lasting impact in many lives. It takes strong faith, personal action, and a commitment to long-term vision.
Developing People - 7 Posts on Building People Up and Not Tearing them Down
Developing people takes investing time, building relationships, understanding, and responding with wisdom. Here are seven links/posts speaking to it.