Model Making ToolsModel Kits HobbiesFly Tying ToolsScale Model BuildingModel Cars BuildingN GaugeMachining ProjectsModeling TechniquesPlastic Model CarsModel Making ToolsCA applicator made from sewing needless40
Best Random Orbital SanderDetail SanderOrbital SanderSanding ToolsModeling Techniques3d CncHomemade ToolsWood ToolsElectric ToothbrushMake a Modelers Orbital Sander Out of a ToothbrushMake a Modelers Orbital Sander Out of a Toothbrush: I make a lot of models and since I am always short of cash, improvisation is the norm. So trying to sand a new coat of primer in the tiny crevices of a model I had the brain wave to use an electric toothbrush as an orbital sander. 5 minutes later, s…240
Architecture Model TreesModel Making ToolsCubes ArchitectureArchitecture WorkshopFolding ArchitectureBlack ArchitectureArchitecture Portfolio LayoutPaper ArchitectureConcept ModelArchitectural Model Making Tips | 30X40 Design WorkshopArchitects build two fundamentally different types of models: presentation models and study models . Presentation models are often used in client meetings to convey a finished design in miniature while study models are used by architects as part of the design process. Study models are the equival206
Plastic Models DioramasModel Car Building TipsModel Making IdeasModel Making ToolsModel Kits HobbiesModel Boats BuildingScale Model BuildingPlastic Model Kits CarsAircraft Model KitsBasic tools and supplies for modelingBuilder Basics: Gather your tools — It doesn't take much to get started1.1k
Gaming CraftsDetailing ToolsModel Making ToolsPower Carving ToolsSanding TipsDremel BitsSculpting TutorialsSanding ToolsMiniature PhotographyMicro Sandpaper Detailing ToolMicro Sandpaper Detailing Tool: I was sure someone had already done this or something similar, but google searches didn't reveal any and searching on Amazon only produced things such as this: Which at $30 and only very rough …342
Rangement ArtPortable WorkstationPortable WorkbenchPainting StationHobby DeskTool Storage DiyHobby ToolsWorkshop OrganizationHobby RoomA Workspace in a Briefcase - Core77I'm mightily impressed by the efficient design of this Modeler's Briefcase: That's the MT02, created by a Spanish company called ModelMaq, which caters to miniature-painting enthusiasts. It's portable and makes fantastic use of its interior space. The base elevates the models up to a better working height for the painter981
Miniature ToolsModel PaintingMiniature Model MakingModel Making ToolsModel Kits HobbiesHobby ToolsScale Model BuildingModel MakerWarhammer PaintBest/Essential Hobby Tools for Miniatures, 3D Prints & Scale Models - FauxHammerI’ve been wanting to summarise the Essential Hobby Tools for Miniatures, 3D Prints & Wargames Models for quite some time.1k
Hobby Room DesignApartemen StudioHobby DeskElectronic WorkbenchWorkbench PlansHobby RoomHome WorkshopDesk SpaceGarage WorkshopScale Modeling: Making a Portable Modeling WorkstationThough this topic was posted in this blog way ahead of my entries on my first completed scale model, this project was actually conceived only after my first three armor models were done. The decision to build a workstation actually came when I already had my initial batch of tools and with the realization that working with miniatures does not necessarily mean that I can just set it up anywhere in the house. I initially thought that building small scale models would require only a small space…1.9k
Model Making WorkshopModel Building WorkspaceScale Modeling WorkbenchPortable Jewelers BenchJewellers WorkbenchBench Jeweler ToolsWorkshop DeskWatch Makers WorkshopModel Making ToolsWhy we came up with a multi level workbench perfect for model makers, builders and detail crafts - HelmmWhen I was 7 years old, I had some birthday vouchers to spend so Mum dutifully took me to the toy store where I spent probably an irritatingly long time agonising over which model kit I wanted to buy. I remember that my eyes were way bigger than my ability in model making at that344
Miniature WoodworkingMicro MiniaturesDiy Mini Furniture Miniature TutorialsMiniature Crafts Diy IdeasMini Things Diy How To MakeMiniature Crafts DiyTiny CraftsHow To Make Mini Stuff1/144 Scale Miniatures DiyWho makes functional miniature power tools?In this blog post, I will tell you all you need to know on real functioning miniature power tools, yes really!515