Phi Golden RatioFibonacci Golden RatioGolden SectionThe Golden MeanDivine ProportionGolden SpiralFibonacci SequenceFibonacci SpiralGraphisches DesignFibonacci spiral | The Golden Ratio21 34 513 8528
Golden Ratio ArtFibonacci ArtGolden ProportionDa Vinci Vitruvian ManFibonacci Golden RatioGolden RectangleThe Golden MeanDivine ProportionGolden SpiralThe golden ratio in music: the songs of Fibonacci sequence - AuralcraveWho among us has never heard of the golden ratio? We speak of a mathematical constant, the number 1.618, producedContinue reading61
Golden Ratio ArtTrin For Trin TegningGolden SectionGolden RectangleDivine ProportionGolden SpiralFibonacci SpiralArt TheoryElements And PrinciplesThe Golden Rectangle & SpiralFibonacci how-to.1.9k
Golden SectionGolden MeanThe Golden MeanDivine ProportionFibonacci SequenceFibonacci SpiralBeach NecessitiesSacred Geometry ArtSacred ArchitectureElements and Principles of Design: Scale and Proportion - Lucas EilersIn our last post, we introduced you to our ongoing L/E Journal series on the Elements and Principles of Design by discussing balance and harmony. For the second chapter, we’re focusing on scale and proportion. Just as the last post, we’ll begin with definitions to understand scale and balance in a design context. scale (n) […]871
Golden Ratio ArtFibonacci Golden RatioGolden MeanThe Golden MeanBirth Of VenusFibonacci SpiralGeometry ArtGolden RatioHeadshot PhotographyThe Canons of Beauty in the history of art – the Golden MeanIs there a mathematical key to beauty? Artists have designed harmonious relationships based on pure geometric forms since time immemorial – some applied the Golden Mean to their figures and t…1.4k
Salvatore DaliFibonacci Golden RatioDivine ProportionVitruvian ManThe Golden RatioFibonacci SpiralPierre AugusteGolden RatioPierre Auguste RenoirVitruvian ManThe Golden Ratio in Leonardo da Vinci's famous Vitruvian Man. © Copyright 2010 Michael Paukner. All Rights Reserved. Print Shop | Twitter | Facebook2.1k
Fibonacci In NatureFibonacci TattooSpiral DrawingGolden SectionThe Golden MeanDivine ProportionGolden NumberGolden SpiralSacred Geometry TattooFurniture DesignFibonacci gauge 1 • 1 • 2 • 3 • 5 • 8 • 13 • 21 • 34 - The Fibonacci Sequence...22
Fibonacci Sequence In NatureFibonacci Golden RatioStarověký EgyptDivine ProportionGeometry In NatureGolden SpiralSacred Geometry SymbolsFibonacci SequenceFibonacci SpiralUnlock Sacred Geometry: Symbols & Uses - the Conscious VibeSacred geometric shapes and symbols all use mathematical patterns and ratios that are deeply ingrained in our DNA and human subconscious. The golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence are prime examples of mathematical formulas represented in all sacred geometry. These formulas come from the universal laws of mathematics and physics that dictate the creation of the planets, galaxies, and the universe. Sacred geometry is present from the ‘micro level’ of molecular structures, to the ‘macro…1.8k
Proportion ArtGolden ProportionFibonacci TattooThe Golden MeanDivine ProportionGolden SpiralFibonacci SpiralFoto TipsComposition PhotographyGolden Ratio – QuinnCreativePosts about Golden Ratio written by QuinnCreative5
Mean TattooFibonacci Golden RatioGolden MeanThe Golden MeanFibonacci SpiralSacred ArchitectureGolden RatioAncient ArchitectureSpirituality EnergyThe Golden Mean"The Golden Mean was used in the design of sacred buildings in ancient architecture to produce spiritual energy that facilitated connectivity with spiritual realms through prayer. Our reality is very structured, and indeed Life is even more structured. This is reflected though Nature in the form of geometry. Geometry is the very basis of our reality, and hence we live in a coherent world governed by unseen laws. These are always manifested in our world. The Golden Mean governs the proportion…66