Centered around a Moonstone, known as a woman's stone. Also known as a stone for "New beginnings", it's healing properties include soothing emotional instability or stress, and provides calmness. Moonstone is known to enhance intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business. Finished with silver hooks for sensitive ears. Great as a gift for that special one in your life
Spirited Woman Earrings- Exclusive Handmade Jewelry for Bourbon Cowgirl
Spirited Woman earrings are the best gift for an authentic cowgirl. Spirited women will boldly and proudly wear such a unique and beautiful pair of earrings. This showpiece earring set features a gorgeous sterling silver medal with a running horse, moon and star with a copper dangle that is hand stamped with Spirited and Woman. All anchored together with authentic turquoise hearts Handmade in Idaho by Weathered Soul exclusively for Bourbon Cowgirl. Limited Edition, high quality jewelry that…