TOB Blogs

Blogs that help people understand Pope Saint John Paul II's Theology of the Body through a day-to-day lens.
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Blogs that help people understand Pope Saint John Paul II's Theology of the Body through a day-to-day lens.
Beggars Before God
I’ve often heard Catholics say: ‘We are called to love our neighbor, even if we don’t like our neighbor.’ And while there’s truth to the idea...
Connected to Christ’s Resurrected Body
One of the beautiful things about Catholicism is the Sacraments. When we receive the Sacraments, we recognize...
Penance Hard, Rejoice Harder
Catholics can have a certain interest and fascination with penance and suffering. We understand...
Their Voice Goes Out Into All the Earth
This quote from Psalm 19 is why I love JRR Tolkien. And Benedict XVI. For they speak about...
God’s Will For My Body
Many people want to know what God’s will is for them. I remember I spent years (really almost a decade) trying to figure out...
Genesis and the Meaning of Work
Most Americans feel a constant pressure to work more. There’s always more to do. And the more we get done...
Jesus: The Source of All Healing
As Christians and non-Christians alike have made counseling and self-help books a greater part of their lives, it has become increasingly common to hear stories...
Identity: Who Am I?
Last week after a business meeting in Pennsylvania, I happened upon a crowd outside a theater...
TOB Will Change the World
Exactly 50 years ago, on December 8, 1974, sitting with the Blessed Sacrament, Karol Wojtyla wrote, “O, Maria, thou art beautiful.” Thus began The Theology of the Body... Check out our website to read the blog!