We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! #MerryChristmas #Semiconductor #PowerElectronics #SiCValley #IntelligentPowerElectronics
Fraunhofer IISB
Erlangen, Bayern 5.063 Follower:innen
Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie IISB
Fraunhofer IISB - Leistungselektronische Lösungen für Wandlung, Übertragung und Speicherung elektrischer Energie Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie IISB führt angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich leistungselektronischer Systeme durch, etwa für Elektromobilität, Luftfahrt, Industrie 4.0, Stromnetze oder auch Energietechnologie. Dabei deckt das Institut auf einzigartige Art und Weise die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette – vom Grundmaterial bis hin zum kompletten leistungselektronischen System – ab. Das IISB ist Teil der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft und forscht für Auftraggeber aus der Industrie wie auch im Rahmen von öffentlich geförderten Projekten. Als eine der führenden Forschungseinrichtungen im Bereich Leistungselektronik hat sich das Institut das Ziel gesetzt, seinen Industriepartnern mit umfassendem Know-How den Rücken zu stärken und neue technologische Maßstäbe zu setzen. Halbleiter & Leistungselektronik Auf seinen beiden Geschäftsfeldern Halbleitertechnologie und Leistungselektronik liefert das IISB innovative Ansätze und präzise angepasste Lösungen für zahlreiche Fachgebiete: • Materialentwicklung • Halbleitertechnologie und -fertigung • Elektronische Bauelemente • Verpackung und Module • Fahrzeugleistungselektronik • Energieelektronik und Energieversorgungssysteme Ergänzt wird dieses Spektrum durch weitere, breit angelegte Aktivitäten, beispielsweise Tests zu Lebensdauer und Zuverlässigkeit, numerische Simulation, elektrische Charakterisierung sowie spezielle Messtechnik. Neben der klassischen Siliziumtechnologie ist das IISB sehr stark auf Halbleiter mit großer Bandlücke ausgerichtet, insbesondere Siliziumkarbid. Für die Verarbeitung von SiC verfügt das Institut über die komplette technologische Prozesskette, beginnend bei den Materialwissenschaften über Bauelemente und Module bis hin zur Integration in hocheffiziente leistungselektronische Systeme.
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Erlangen, Bayern 91058, DE
Am St.-Niclas-Schacht 13
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Beschäftigte von Fraunhofer IISB
Literature for the holidays: "Unlocking Artificial Intelligence - From Theory to Applications" (open access) We highly recommend this book on AI, published by the ADA Lovelace Center, free of charge: it combines theory with practice in a unique way! https://lnkd.in/eKTpnP_b Of course, we especially invite you to dive into the chapter "AI for Stability Optimization in Low Voltage Direct Current Microgrids": https://lnkd.in/eyTC9Q_H Our colleagues Bernd Wunder and Martin Schellenberger joined forces with their DC Grids and Data Analytics groups to demonstrate an application example for intelligent power electronics in sustainable energy supply. The ADA Lovelace Center was initiated by the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, the Fraunhofer IIS, the Fraunhofer IISB and the Fraunhofer IKS to bring together dedicated AI experts. #AI #DCGrids #DataScience #ADALovelaceCenter #Innovationskunst #SiCValley #IntelligentPowerElectronics
Award-winning highly parallelized rigorous-physical mask solver for high-speed computational lithography We sincerely congratulate Dr. Peter Evanschitzky from our Modeling and Artificial Intelligence Department on winning the LZE Prize 2024! The electrical engineer received the award for his significant improvements to the mask solver for the Dr.LiTHO simulation software. The software developed at Fraunhofer IISB is used by leading semiconductor manufacturers as well as producers of lithographic and optical systems. With the upgrade that Dr.LiTHO users will benefit from, Dr.LiTHO is significantly superior to other software solutions in terms of computing time, memory requirements and flexibility. Peter Evanschitzky succeeded in implementing a rigorous solution to Maxwell's equations without resorting to simplified models and assumptions. With the rigorous-physical mask solver, Dr. Litho users are ideally equipped for future demands, especially considering the constantly increasing complexity and request for ever more detailed and elaborate calculations. Feel free to contact Dr. Andreas Erdmann, head of the Computational Lithography and Optics group of Fraunhofer IISB, to get more information about Dr.LiTHO! The LZE Prize by the Leistungszentrum Elektroniksysteme (LZE) is awarded for above-average achievements in the transfer of knowhow from research into application. Together with industry partners and further research institutes, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Fraunhofer IIS, Fraunhofer IISB, and FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg have established the LZE as an interface between science and industry. #Semiconductor #DrLitho #Lithography #Simulation #LZE #IISBScienceStars #Innovationskunst #SiCValley #IntelligentPowerElectronics
We present a special Christmas highlight: our trainees in electronics and microtechnology teamed up and created small, colorful flashing LED Christmas trees - from the PCB design to the finished assembly! Many greetings from our Christmas party ... this is how we celebrate Christmas at our electronics institute! ✨ #ScientificCommunity #ChristmasSpirit #ChristmasParty #IISBScienceStars #SiCValley #IntelligentPowerElectronics
At the IISB, we've just installed a new tool to investigate and optimize doping processes for wide-bandgap (WBG) and ultra-wide-bandgap (UWBG) semiconductor substrates. We're now able to measure resistance profiles without the need of processing specific test structures with ohmic contacts. This is especially crucial for (U-)WBG materials, because here it is particularly difficult to verify after doping processes to which extent the dopant atoms have been activated and provide free charge carriers. The technical basis is the method of Point Contact Current Voltage (PCIV) measurements, similar to the well-known Spreading Resistance Profiling (SRP) in silicon, which also can be performed with the tool. Our partners from Semilab Zrt visited us on site at Fraunhofer IISB to brief our colleagues on the new measuring system. In true joint lab spirit, we are looking forward to advancing UWBG R&D with our partners and upgrade our semiconductor process knowhow! Luca Sinkó (R&D Team Leader & SRP Product Manager, Semilab Zrt), Zsolt Durkó (Head of Electrical Probing Technologies, Semilab Zrt), Gerard Krzych (Senior Customer Service Engineer, Semilab Germany GmbH), Michael Weber (SiC Epitaxy, Fraunhofer IISB), Leon Schiller (Nitride Materials, Fraunhofer IISB), Mathias Rommel (Group Manager SiC BiCMOS Circuit Design and Analytics, Fraunhofer IISB), Julian Kauth (SiC BiCMOS Circuit Design and Analytics, Fraunhofer IISB) #Semiconductor #PowerElectronics #WBG #UWBG #Metrology #Semilab #JointLab #SiCValley #IntelligentPowerElectronics
Job of the Month - PVT-Züchtung von Aluminiumnitrid Mit Aluminiumnitrid kannst du den technischen Fortschritt in der Leistungselektronik live mitgestalten. Werde ein Teil der Ultra-Wide-Bandgap-Revolution und komm' ins Team »Nitridmaterialien« von Sven Besendörfer, um gemeinsam mit uns die nächste Generation von Hochleistungsbauelementen zu ermöglichen! https://lnkd.in/dJmDNk5y #Stellefrei #Hiring #JetztBewerben #UWBG #Semiconductor #Halbleiter #Kristallzüchtung #Aluminiumnitrid #AlN #Innovationskunst #SiCValley #SiCValueChain #IntelligentPowerElectronics
Fraunhofer IISB hat dies direkt geteilt
Day 1 - Kick-off at HYDROGEN DIALOGUE – Summit & Expo - central meeting place for #hydrogen industry and #research this year in Nuermberg. We from Fraunhofer IISB are there to show our latest #powerelectronics and peripheral developments for the optimal use cases of hydrogen #fuelcell systems and #electrolysers in applications. It was a special honour for me to welcome our Minister for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, Hubert Aiwanger and various national and international #delegations on our booth 209! This year we showed a lot of research results from out current Clean Aviation projects like PROJECT NEWBORN and HyPoTraDe. We were thrilled by many interesting questions about decarbonisation of aviation and europes infrastructure to supply such hybrid-electric aircraft. My colleagues Marco Wegener and Richard Oechsner will be there tomorrow-get the chance to meet this guys. Rotterdam the Hague Innovation Airport Albrecht Dürer Airport Nürnberg Clean Aviation Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Fraunhofer AVIATION & SPACE Mark Mirza
Power Electronics Colloquium Special: YESvGaN - Wide bandgap power at silicon cost Our next Power Electronics Colloquium will be all about applying a new class of vertical gallium nitride (vGaN) devices. Join us and gain insights into interconnection technologies for vertical GaN membrane transistors, novel topologies for vGaN-capable power modules, and application opportunities in power electronics systems. Celebrate the successful finalization of the YESvGaN project with our WBG experts: YESvGaN - Project Overview and Conclusion Dr. Christian Huber, Bosch Research, Renningen, Germany vGaN-ready Power Module with Integrated Gate Driver Stage Anne Sacher, Fraunhofer IISB, Erlangen, Germany Application of the Power Module in SiCtech Applications Dr. Enrique Dede, SiCtech INDUCTION, Valencia, Spain We invite you to listen to our top-class speakers and engage in discussion on December 9, 2024 at 5:15 pm. Participation is free of charge via MS Teams, pre-registration is not required. Information and the entry link can be found on our event page: https://lnkd.in/dC76-Djc We would like take this opportunity to thank all partners for their outstanding pan-European teamwork: Bosch, AIXTRON SE, Aurel S.P.A., CNRS - Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology, EV Group, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Finepower GmbH, Hexagem AB, Ion Beam Services, Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per la Nanoelettronica, Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH, NanoWired GmbH, Raw Power Srl, SiCtech INDUCTION, Siltronic AG, SOITEC, STMicroelectronics, Universiteit Gent, Lund University, Universitat de València, X-FAB YESvGaN is funded by the ECSEL JU Grant No 101007229. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy. #Semiconductor #GaN #WBG #WideBandgap #PowerElectronics #YESvGaN #SiCValley #SiCValueChain #IntelligentPowerElectronics
A new era is dawning in our aviation electronics group: We welcome Christian Bentheimer as our new Group Manager! Our Mr. More Electric Aircraft, Florian Hilpert, passes the torch and now helps setting the course as strategic business unit developer for power electronics at Fraunhofer IISB. In order to make the dream of (hybrid) electric flying come true, we are continuing to work hard on our core topics. One of these is cryogenic power electronics for superconducting systems, such as our cryogenic 500 kW drive inverter from our cooperation with Airbus UpNext. We also focus on reliable power electronics in aviation, especially fail-safe drives. “Because you can't just pull over in an airplane and switch off the entire system!", as Florian Hilpert once put it. Additionally, the topic of hydrogen drives in aviation is becoming increasingly important, so we are working on the electric power distribution for a megawatt fuel cell drive in PROJECT NEWBORN. Hey aviation community, we are ready for the new Clean Aviation Phase 2 call for proposals, which are due until march of next year! You're invited to become our partner and contact Christian with progressive project ideas - to accelerate technology maturation through integrated demonstration, together! #Aviation #PowerElectronics #CleanAviation #ElectricFlying #HybridElectric #SiCValueChain #SiCValley #IntelligentPowerElectronics
transform_EMN-Fokusgruppen: Das regionale Austauschformat für die Verkehrswende Kommen Sie zum Fokusgruppentreffen "Energiespeicher" und organisieren Sie sich in einer starken Community! Termin: 05.12.2024 von 13:00 bis 17:00 Uhr, Fraunhofer IISB in Erlangen Kostenfreie Anmeldung bis 28.11.2024 und weitere Informationen: https://lnkd.in/dSdkNkVS Unser Abteilungsleiter für Leistungselektronik, Dr. Bernd Eckardt, und Stefan Obermeyer, transform_EMN-Projektkoordinator, heißen Sie herzlich am Fraunhofer IISB willkommen. Wir freuen uns ganz besonders, Prof. Florian Risch vom Lehrstuhl FAPS der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg für seine Keynote zu Wertschöpfungspotenzialen in der Batterieproduktion begrüßen zu dürfen. Es erwartet Sie außerdem eine Institutsführung mit Fokus auf der Batterietechnik. Im anschließenden Workshop identifizieren die Teilnehmenden mögliche Kooperationspotenziale miteinander. Als Abschluss lädt ein gemeinsamer Imbiss zum weiteren Networking ein. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit und machen Sie sich und Ihr Unternehmen fit für die Energie- und Verkehrswende. #transform #Automotive #Batterien #Elektromobilität #EMN #Innovationskunst #SiCValueChain #SiCValley #IntelligentPowerElectronics