Lavender represents the part of the psyche that, untouched by the weariness and problems of the years, retains the vigor and vitality of youth. This encompasses such emotions and mental thought processes imagination, creativity and, because of its association with spring, the optimistic beginning of new stages in life. Glass beads 8mm imitation pearl Glass beads 7mm Metal ring Metal spacer Bracelet Ideas Round Beads, Ombre Beaded Bracelet, Glass Beaded Bracelet Ideas, Diy Glass Bead Bracelet Ideas, Glass Bracelet Ideas, Glass Bead Ideas, Glass Bead Bracelet Patterns, Glass Beaded Bracelets Ideas, Purple Bracelet Ideas

Lavender Ombre Bead Bracelet

Product Details
Lavender represents the part of the psyche that, untouched by the weariness and problems of the years, retains the vigor and vitality of youth. This encompasses such emotions and mental thought processes imagination, creativity and, because of its association with spring, the optimistic beginning of new stages in life. Glass beads 8mm imitation pearl Glass beads 7mm Metal ring Metal spacer