This service allows scripts to parse, navigate, and programmatically create XML documents.
// Log the title and labels for the first page of blog posts on // Google's The Keyword blog. function parseXml() { let url = ''; let xml = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText(); let document = XmlService.parse(xml); let root = document.getRootElement(); let channel = root.getChild('channel'); let items = channel.getChildren('item'); items.forEach(item => { let title = item.getChild('title').getText(); let categories = item.getChildren('category'); let labels = => category.getText()); console.log('%s (%s)', title, labels.join(', ')); }); } // Create and log an XML representation of first 10 threads in your Gmail inbox. function createXml() { let root = XmlService.createElement('threads'); let threads = GmailApp.getInboxThreads() threads = threads.slice(0,10); // Just the first 10 threads.forEach(thread => { let child = XmlService.createElement('thread') .setAttribute('messageCount', thread.getMessageCount()) .setAttribute('isUnread', thread.isUnread()) .setText(thread.getFirstMessageSubject()); root.addContent(child); }); let document = XmlService.createDocument(root); let xml = XmlService.getPrettyFormat().format(document); console.log(xml); }
Name | Brief description |
Attribute | A representation of an XML attribute. |
Cdata | A representation of an XML CDATASection node. |
Comment | A representation of an XML Comment node. |
Content | A representation of a generic XML node. |
Content | An enumeration representing the types of XML content nodes. |
Doc | A representation of an XML Document node. |
Document | A representation of an XML document. |
Element | A representation of an XML Element node. |
Entity | A representation of an XML Entity node. |
Format | A formatter for outputting an XML document, with three pre-defined formats that can be further customized. |
Namespace | A representation of an XML namespace. |
Processing | A representation of an XML Processing node. |
Text | A representation of an XML Text node. |
Xml | This service allows scripts to parse, navigate, and programmatically create XML documents. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | String | Gets the local name of the attribute. |
get | Namespace | Gets the namespace for the attribute. |
get | String | Gets the value of the attribute. |
set | Attribute | Sets the local name of the attribute. |
set | Attribute | Sets the namespace for the attribute. |
set | Attribute | Sets the value of the attribute. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
append(text) | Text | Appends the given text to any content that already exists in the node. |
detach() | Content | Detaches the node from its parent Element node. |
get | Element | Gets the node's parent Element node. |
get | String | Gets the text value of the Text node. |
get | String | Gets the text value of all nodes that are direct or indirect children of the node, in the order they appear in the document. |
set | Text | Sets the text value of the Text node. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
detach() | Content | Detaches the node from its parent Element node. |
get | Element | Gets the node's parent Element node. |
get | String | Gets the text value of the Comment node. |
get | String | Gets the text value of all nodes that are direct or indirect children of the node, in the order they appear in the document. |
set | Comment | Sets the text value of the Comment node. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
as | Cdata | Casts the node as a CDATASection node for the purposes of autocomplete. |
as | Comment | Casts the node as a Comment node for the purposes of autocomplete. |
as | Doc | Casts the node as a Document node for the purposes of autocomplete. |
as | Element | Casts the node as an Element node for the purposes of autocomplete. |
as | Entity | Casts the node as a Entity node for the purposes of autocomplete. |
as | Processing | Casts the node as a Processing node for the purposes of autocomplete. |
as | Text | Casts the node as a Text node for the purposes of autocomplete. |
detach() | Content | Detaches the node from its parent Element node. |
get | Element | Gets the node's parent Element node. |
get | Content | Gets the node's content type. |
get | String | Gets the text value of all nodes that are direct or indirect children of the node, in the order they appear in the document. |
Property | Type | Description |
CDATA | Enum | An XML CDATASection node. |
COMMENT | Enum | An XML Comment node. |
DOCTYPE | Enum | An XML Document node. |
ELEMENT | Enum | An XML Element node. |
ENTITYREF | Enum | An XML Entity node. |
PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION | Enum | An XML Processing node. |
TEXT | Enum | An XML Text node. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
detach() | Content | Detaches the node from its parent Element node. |
get | String | Gets the name of the root Element node specified in the Doc declaration. |
get | String | Gets the internal subset data for the Document node. |
get | Element | Gets the node's parent Element node. |
get | String | Gets the public ID of the external subset data for the Document node. |
get | String | Gets the system ID of the external subset data for the Document node. |
get | String | Gets the text value of all nodes that are direct or indirect children of the node, in the order they appear in the document. |
set | Doc | Sets the name of the root Element node to specify in the Doc
declaration. |
set | Doc | Sets the internal subset data for the Document node. |
set | Doc | Sets the public ID of the external subset data for the Document node. |
set | Doc | Sets the system ID of the external subset data for the Document node. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Document | Appends the given node to the end of the document. |
add | Document | Inserts the given node at the given index among all nodes that are immediate children of the document. |
clone | Content[] | Creates unattached copies of all nodes that are immediate children of the document. |
detach | Element | Detaches and returns the document's root Element node. |
get | Content[] | Gets all nodes that are immediate children of the document. |
get | Content | Gets the node at the given index among all nodes that are immediate children of the document. |
get | Integer | Gets the number of nodes that are immediate children of the document. |
get | Content[] | Gets all nodes that are direct or indirect children of the document, in the order they appear in the document. |
get | Doc | Gets the document's Doc declaration. |
get | Element | Gets the document's root Element node. |
has | Boolean | Determines whether the document has a root Element node. |
remove | Content[] | Removes all nodes that are immediate children of the document. |
remove | Boolean | Removes the given node, if the node is an immediate child of the document. |
remove | Content | Removes the node at the given index among all nodes that are immediate children of the document. |
set | Document | Sets the document's Doc declaration. |
set | Document | Sets the document's root Element node. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Element | Appends the given node as the last child of the Element node. |
add | Element | Inserts the given node at the given index among all nodes that are immediate children of the
Element node. |
clone | Content[] | Creates unattached copies of all nodes that are immediate children of the {@code Element} node. |
detach() | Content | Detaches the node from its parent Element node. |
get | Content[] | Gets all nodes that are immediate children of the {@code Element} node. |
get | Attribute | Gets the attribute for this Element node with the given name and no namespace. |
get | Attribute | Gets the attribute for this Element node with the given name and namespace. |
get | Attribute[] | Gets all attributes for this Element node, in the order they appear in the document. |
get | Element | Gets the first Element node with the given name and no namespace that is an immediate
child of this Element node. |
get | Element | Gets the first Element node with the given name and namespace that is an immediate
child of this Element node. |
get | String | Gets the text value of the node with the given name and no namespace, if the node is an
immediate child of the Element node. |
get | String | Gets the text value of the node with the given name and namespace, if the node is an immediate
child of the Element node. |
get | Element[] | Gets all Element nodes that are immediate children of this Element node, in the
order they appear in the document. |
get | Element[] | Gets all Element nodes with the given name and no namespace that are immediate children
of this Element node, in the order they appear in the document. |
get | Element[] | Gets all Element nodes with the given name and namespace that are immediate children of
this Element node, in the order they appear in the document. |
get | Content | Gets the node at the given index among all nodes that are immediate children of the {@code Element} node. |
get | Integer | Gets the number of nodes that are immediate children of the {@code Element} node. |
get | Content[] | Gets all nodes that are direct or indirect children of the {@code Element} node, in the order they appear in the document. |
get | Document | Gets the XML document that contains the {@code Element} node. |
get | String | Gets the local name of the Element node. |
get | Namespace | Gets the namespace for the Element node. |
get | Namespace | Gets the namespace with the given prefix for the Element node. |
get | Element | Gets the node's parent Element node. |
get | String | Gets the local name and namespace prefix of the Element node, in the form [namespacePrefix]:[localName] . |
get | String | Gets the text value of the Element node. |
get | String | Gets the text value of all nodes that are direct or indirect children of the node, in the order they appear in the document. |
is | Boolean | Determines whether this Element node is a direct or indirect parent of a given Element node. |
is | Boolean | Determines whether the Element node is the document's root node. |
remove | Boolean | Removes the given attribute for this Element node, if such an attribute exists. |
remove | Boolean | Removes the attribute for this Element node with the given name and no namespace, if
such an attribute exists. |
remove | Boolean | Removes the attribute for this Element node with the given name and namespace, if such
an attribute exists. |
remove | Content[] | Removes all nodes that are immediate children of the {@code Element} node. |
remove | Boolean | Removes the given node, if the node is an immediate child of the {@code Element} node. |
remove | Content | Removes the node at the given index among all nodes that are immediate children of the {@code Element} node. |
set | Element | Sets the given attribute for this Element node. |
set | Element | Sets the attribute for this Element node with the given name, value, and no namespace. |
set | Element | Sets the attribute for this Element node with the given name, value, and namespace. |
set | Element | Sets the local name of the Element node. |
set | Element | Sets the namespace for the Element node. |
set | Element | Sets the text value of the Element node. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
detach() | Content | Detaches the node from its parent Element node. |
get | String | Gets the name of the Entity node. |
get | Element | Gets the node's parent Element node. |
get | String | Gets the public ID of the Entity node. |
get | String | Gets the system ID of the Entity node. |
get | String | Gets the text value of all nodes that are direct or indirect children of the node, in the order they appear in the document. |
set | Entity | Sets the name of the Entity node. |
set | Entity | Sets the public ID of the Entity node. |
set | Entity | Sets the system ID of the Entity node. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
format(document) | String | Outputs the given Document as a formatted string. |
format(element) | String | Outputs the given Element node as a formatted string. |
set | Format | Sets the character encoding that the formatter should use. |
set | Format | Sets the string used to indent child nodes relative to their parents. |
set | Format | Sets the string to insert whenever the formatter would normally insert a line break. |
set | Format | Sets whether the formatter should omit the XML declaration, such as <?xml version="1.0"
encoding="UTF-8"?> . |
set | Format | Sets whether the formatter should omit the encoding in the XML declaration, such as the
encoding field in <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> . |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | String | Gets the prefix for the namespace. |
get | String | Gets the URI for the namespace. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
detach() | Content | Detaches the node from its parent Element node. |
get | String | Gets the raw data for every instruction in the Processing node. |
get | Element | Gets the node's parent Element node. |
get | String | Gets the target for the Processing node. |
get | String | Gets the text value of all nodes that are direct or indirect children of the node, in the order they appear in the document. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
append(text) | Text | Appends the given text to any content that already exists in the node. |
detach() | Content | Detaches the node from its parent Element node. |
get | Element | Gets the node's parent Element node. |
get | String | Gets the text value of the Text node. |
get | String | Gets the text value of all nodes that are direct or indirect children of the node, in the order they appear in the document. |
set | Text | Sets the text value of the Text node. |
Property | Type | Description |
Content | Content | An enumeration representing the types of XML content nodes. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
create | Cdata | Creates an unattached CDATASection node with the given value. |
create | Comment | Creates an unattached Comment node with the given value. |
create | Doc | Creates an unattached Document node for the root Element node
with the given name. |
create | Doc | Creates an unattached Document node for the root Element node
with the given name, and the given system ID for the external subset data. |
create | Doc | Creates an unattached Document node for the root Element node
with the given name, and the given public ID and system ID for the external subset data. |
create | Document | Creates an empty XML document. |
create | Document | Creates an XML document with the given root Element node. |
create | Element | Creates an unattached Element node with the given local name and no namespace. |
create | Element | Creates an unattached Element node with the given local name and namespace. |
create | Text | Creates an unattached Text node with the given value. |
get | Format | Creates a Format object for outputting a compact XML document. |
get | Namespace | Creates a Namespace with the given URI. |
get | Namespace | Creates a Namespace with the given prefix and URI. |
get | Namespace | Creates a Namespace that represents the absence of a real namespace. |
get | Format | Creates a Format object for outputting a human-readable XML document. |
get | Format | Creates a Format object for outputting a raw XML document. |
get | Namespace | Creates a Namespace with the standard xml prefix. |
parse(xml) | Document | Creates an Document from the given XML, without validating the XML. |