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- If you don't have sound, even though the application's volume is turned all the way up, Puredyne's audio channels might be muted. You can unmute the audio...3 KB (380 words) - 06:30, 16 April 2020
- Effect is an interesting phenomenon that occurs when an object producing sound is moved relatively to the listener. Consider the following: When a car...3 KB (479 words) - 08:14, 12 April 2018
- The speed of sound c (from Latin celeritas, "velocity") varies depending on the medium through which the sound waves pass. It is usually quoted in describing...10 KB (1,527 words) - 20:00, 3 November 2020
- you have made a sound by blowing over the top of a bottle - it is the same principle as this. The stream of air used to create a sound on the flute should...3 KB (620 words) - 23:46, 19 November 2024
- Sound is defined as mechanical sinosodial vibratory longitudinal impulse waves which oscillate the pressure of a transmitting medium by means of adiabatic...6 KB (766 words) - 08:09, 5 June 2024
- SOUND pitch,duration [,[volume][,async]] This statement plays a tone of the given pitch, duration and volume. The pitch is expressed as a frequency in...3 KB (389 words) - 04:10, 3 August 2017
- and RareExpansion. Sound Wave | || | || Sound does not exist in vacuum . Sound wave requires medium of matter to spread itself . Sound wave travels through...2 KB (272 words) - 15:38, 28 March 2013
- In Meitei script (Meetei Mayek), the full sound carrying letters, formally known as "Mapi Mayek" (literally meaning "Mother letters" or "Master letters")...2 KB (162 words) - 06:02, 23 May 2022
- SOUND soundIDstring$ SOUND %resIDNumber SOUND &soundHandle& This statement plays a synthesized sound which is in the "snd" format. The soundIDstring$ parameter...2 KB (271 words) - 10:28, 27 April 2022
- SOUND END This statement stops the sound that was initiated with the latest SOUND <frequency> or SOUND <snd> statement. If the sound is an "snd " resource...546 bytes (52 words) - 04:10, 3 August 2017
- Configuring Sound on Linux This book aims to teach you everything you need or want to know about Linux sound, and should cover enough ground to teach you...1 KB (92 words) - 22:14, 1 October 2021
- Omnidirectional: pickup sound in a circle around the mic * Cardioid: pickup sound better directly in front of the mic, less sound pickup as you move around...9 KB (1,442 words) - 03:16, 30 November 2017
- sound waves are continuous and computers can only store discrete data. How exactly does an Analogue to Digital Converter convert a continuous sound wave...7 KB (433 words) - 15:09, 6 May 2021
- 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 Examples - Problems - Solutions - Terminology Sound is a longitudinal compression-expansion wave through matter. The wave speed...731 bytes (192 words) - 06:52, 8 June 2024
- Back to main page When sound travels through a medium, its intensity diminishes with distance. This weakening in the energy of the wave results from two...5 KB (879 words) - 02:32, 15 July 2018
- Noise 4.) Operational Sound Quality: Closure Open/Shut Sound Quality, Customer Operated Feature Sound Quality, Audible Warning Sounds 5.) Squeaks and Rattles...1 KB (192 words) - 20:20, 12 November 2022
- sound like the French sentence you wanted to say. To prevent such things from happening, an alphabet was invented to represent the most common sounds...4 KB (691 words) - 15:14, 27 December 2018
- than dynamics, making them well-suited to capturing subtle nuances in a sound. They are not ideal for high-volume work, as their sensitivity makes them...2 KB (319 words) - 11:35, 3 March 2011
- The metric (acoustical) definition of sound is variation in pressure waves and density caused by the propagation of the waves through a medium. Between...7 KB (907 words) - 03:24, 25 April 2016
- Sound synthesis - Electronically generated sounds that mimic musical instruments or the human voice Sound Synthesisers are also used to create electronic...4 KB (210 words) - 17:02, 19 February 2019