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Daniel's final vision

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Daniel Chapter 11 consists of visions that describe the events that occurred in the 3rd and 2nd century B.C. about the struggle between the Ptolemies(the king of the south) and the Seleucids(the king of the north) for the control of Israel, in which the Seleucids were eventually victorious,[1] as well as the rise of Antiochus Epiphanes to power and his actions against the Temple and the Jewish people. Daniel 11:3-35 is considered very accurate. [2]All major conflicts are mentioned, and the Sixth Syrian War is even mentioned in great detail.[3] However, Daniel 11:2,40-45 are considered non-historical. It is widely agreed by scholars that the vaticinia ex eventu cease at Daniel 11:39 and that the remaining verses are genuine predictions.[4] After describing the "desecration of the Temple(v.31) and the Maccabean revolt(v.32-34), the author predicts another attack from Egypt in which Antiochus will be victorius and capture the entire territory along with Libya and Ethiopia(v.40,43). There is however no historical evidence for this. Instead, Antiochus went to Armenia, Babylonia, and Susa[3]. It also claims that Antiochus will die while pitching his tents "between the seas(understood to be Mediterranean) and the glorious mountain(understood to be Mount Zion)" after conquering Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia(v.45). Antiochus however, died of injuries sustained in an attempt to sack a temple treasury in Elam near Persia in Mesopotamia, not in Judah. Further, Daniel 12:1-3 suggests a resurrection of the dead, but this event never occurred shortly after Antiochus's death. [5] Fundamentalists assert that v. 11:40-45 refer to Augustus Caesar, Herod or to an antichrist yet to come.

Succession of Events

Media/Persian Empire→Greek Empire→Seleucid and Ptolemaic Kingdoms→Antiochus Epiphanes→End(Resurection)

  1. Media/Persian(Daniel 11:1–2)
  2. Alexander the Great/Diadochi(Daniel 11:3–4)
  3. Wars between the Seleucids and the Ptolemies
    1. Second Syrian War(Daniel 11:6)
    2. Third Syrian War(Daniel 11:7–9)
    3. Fourth Syrian War(Daniel 11:10–14)
    4. Fifth Syrian War(Daniel 11:15–20)
  4. Reign of Antiochus Epiphanes
    1. Sixth Syrian War(Daniel 11:21–22)
    2. Desecration of the Temple(Daniel 11:31)
    3. Persecution of the Jews(Daniel 11:33–35)
    4. Maccabean Revolt(Daniel 11:32–35)
    5. Antiochus's death(Daniel 11:45)
  5. Resurrection of the dead(11:45–12:7)
  6. End

Parallels with Chapter 2, 7 and 8

Chapter 11 Chapter 2 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
4 kings will appear in Persia(11:2) Third beast/leopard

It had four heads(8:24)

A mighty king(11:3)

His empire will be broken up and parceled out toward the four winds of heaven(11:4)

Goat/Greek kingdom(8:21)

The goat became very great(8:8) His large horn was broken off, and in its place four prominent horns grew up toward the four winds of heaven.(8:8)

The kings of the south and the kings of the north(11:5–20)

The king of the South will go to the king of the North to make an alliance but she will not retain her power, and he and his power will not last.(11:6) The king of the north will make an alliance with the king of the South. And he will give him a daughter in marriage in order to overthrow the kingdom, but his plans [c] will not succeed or help him.(11:17)

Feet and the toes of the legs of statue(2:41)

They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another.(2:43)

Contemptible person(Antiochus Epiphanes):

He will exalt and magnify himself above every god(11:36)

He will say unheard-of things against the God of gods(11:36)

He will desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice(11:31)

He will vent his fury against the holy covenant(11:30)

He will invade the kingdom when its people feel secure(11:21)

He will seize the kingdom through intrigue(11:21)

He destroyed the prince of the covenant(11:22)

Little horn:

He will speak against the Most High(7:25)

He will oppress the saints7:25

He will try to change the set times and the laws(7:25)

Little horn:

He set himself up to be as great as the Prince of the host(8:11)

He took away the daily sacrifice(8:11)

He will consider himself superior(8:24)

He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people(8:24)

He causes deceit to prosper(8:24)

He is a master of intrigue(8:23)

He will destroy many, when they feel secure(8:24)

He will take his stand against the Prince of princes(8:25)

He(contemptible person) will come to his end, and no one will help him(11:45) His(little horn) power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever. 7:26 He(little horn) will be destroyed, but not by human power(8:25)
Close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end(11:45–12:7) End(2:44) End of the matterDaniel 7:28 Seal up the vision(8:26)

See also


  1. ^ New American Bible
  2. ^ H. H. Rowley, The Growth of the Old Testament, Harper: 1950, p. 158))
  3. ^ a b Livius.org:Daniel 11 in Context
  4. ^ The Classification, Stages of Growth, and Changing Intentions in the Book of Daniel, John G. Gammie, p. 194, 1976
  5. ^ The Failed Prophecies of Daniel