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List of different terms by Christian denominations in Japanese

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List of different terms by Christian denominations in Japanese presents the difference of terms between Christian denominations in Japanese. This article presents Japanese terms of Eastern Orthodoxy (Japanese Orthodox Church), Roman Catholic, Anglican Church (Anglican Church in Japan), and Protestant.[1]

In Japan, the Roman Catholic mission began in August 1549, Protestant mission - in 1859, Eastern Orthodox mission - 1861.[2]

Each different mission founded their churches, determined terms in Japanese, and translated the Bible and other religious books, whose activities are almost separately by denominations.

Their terms have concepts found by each theology or history, etc. They are suitable for using in own denomination. Thus Japanese Christians use many different terms in each denomination.


English Eastern Christianity Western Christianity
Eastern Orthodoxy
(Japanese Orthodox Church)
Roman Catholic in Japan Anglican Church
(Anglican Church in Japan)
Protestant in Japan
Sacrament 機密 秘蹟 聖奠 礼典
liturgy, rite, Christian worship, Church service 奉神礼 典礼 礼拝 礼拝
Divine Liturgy 聖体礼儀 - [3] - -
Mass - ミサ 聖餐式 -
Having Communion (Eucharist) 領聖
or キノニア[4]
or 共與[5]
or コムニオ
or コミュニオン
or コミュニオン



As Protestantism does not have a hierarchy, its frames are omitted here.

In some of Protestants, bishop is "監督", pastor is "牧師" and deacon is "執事".

English Eastern Christianity Western Christianity
Eastern Orthodoxy
(Japanese Orthodox Church)
Roman Catholic in Japan Anglican Church
(Anglican Church in Japan)
Pope パパ[7] 教皇
or パパ
Patriarch 総主教 総大司教[8] -
exarch 総主教代理 - -
cardinal - 枢機卿[8] -
Metropolitan bishop 府主教 首都大司教 -
archbishop 大主教 大司教 大主教
suffragan bishop - 属司教 補佐主教
coadjutor bishop - 協働司教 -
auxiliary bishop - 補佐司教 -
titular bishop - 名義司教 -
bishop 主教 司教 主教
archimandrite 掌院 - -
hegumen 典院 - -
hieromonach 修道司祭 - -
protopresbyter 首司祭 - -
archpriest 長司祭 主席司祭 -
priest 司祭 司祭 司祭
archdeacon 首輔祭 助祭長 大執事
protodeacon 長輔祭 - -
hierodeacon 修道輔祭 - -
deacon 輔祭 助祭 執事
permanent deacon - 終身助祭 -
subdeacon 副輔祭 副助祭 -
catechist 伝教者 カテキスタ 伝道師
reader 誦経者 読師 -
or acolyte
堂役 侍者 サーバー


English Eastern Orthodoxy
(Japanese Orthodox Church)
Roman Catholic in Japan
Venerable 克肖者 尊者
Martyr 致命者 殉教者
Blessed 至福者 福者
Confessor 表信者 証聖者
Stylites 登塔者 柱頭行者


  1. ^ Oriental Orthodoxy in Japan has extremely few believers, and their translations are also very few.
  3. ^ Eastern Catholic does not exist in Japan.
  4. ^ 「私��誰?」"Who am I?"
  5. ^ ja:日本正教会訳聖書イオアン第一公書 1: 3
  6. ^ 日本聖公会管区事務所
  7. ^ Opinions to the "パパ" (Pope) differ between Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholic.
  8. ^ a b Cardinal is upper than Patriarch in Roman Catholic.