Western HorsemanshipWestern Horse RidingHorseback Riding TipsRanch RidingWestern Horse SaddlesHorse Care TipsSaddle FittingHorse Riding TipsWestern SaddlesExclusive Julie Goodnight Trail Saddle, Show-stopping DetailsNew saddle thoughtfully crafted and available exclusively to Valley Vet Supply customers.33
Horse InformationWinter HorseHorse Care TipsSaddle FittingHorse Riding TipsHorse Training TipsAnimal LoveWestern Horse TackBarrel Horse5 Tips for Western Saddle FitFind some tips for western saddle fit, including tree spread and angle, fork height, gullet width, levelness, riding position, and sizing.160
Kids SaddleBarrel Racing TipsHorse FactsSaddle FittingHorse InfoHorse ManeWestern SaddleBarrel RacingHorse SaddlesHow to Fit a Western Saddle: 9 Steps (with Pictures)Buying the wrong western saddle for your horse can be an expensive mistake. A poorly fitted saddle may hurt your horse's back or make your riding experience miserable. Sizing a western saddle will provide you and your horse with the right...19
How To Fit A Saddle To A HorseHow To Saddle A HorseHow To Saddle A Horse Step By StepHorse GuideRiding TipsHorse KnowledgeHorse Care TipsSaddle FittingEquestrian HelmetDoes My Saddle Fit My Horse? 4 Basic Steps ⋆ How To Fit Your SaddleSaddle fit is all about surface area. The closer we can keep the saddle pressure the same the more equal the riders weight will be distributed throughout.2k
Saddle Fitting WesternTack Cleaning StationHorse MassageSaddle MakingRaising CattleBitless BridleSaddle FittingEquestrian ProblemsNatural HorsemanshipFind The Right SaddleWhether you’re looking for a new saddle that can handle all-day trail rides or are wanting something that’ll help you stand out in the show pen, you must keep saddle fit in mind when shopping. Professional saddle fitter Terry Peiper shares her tips for evaluating saddle fit so you can make the right choice the next time you’re in the market for a new saddle.105
Horses FunnyEquine MassageHorseback Riding TipsFunny Horse PicturesHorse LessonsHealthy HorsesHorse ExercisesHorse FactsHorse Care TipsSaddle Fit for Horse and RiderWhether it's an art or a science, determining proper saddle fit it a learned skill, and it's extremely important for the horse and the rider.1.5k
Saddle Fitting WesternHorse AgeSway BackMuscle AtrophySaddle FittingUsed SaddlesHeat MapEnglish SaddleHorse OwnerEverything You Need to Know About Saddle FittingA correct fitting saddle will ensure better harmony between you and your horse and keep him from long-term damage.23
Saddle Fitting EnglishUsed SaddlesSaddle FittingHorse DressageEnglish SaddleHorses And DogsSaddle PadsHorse CareStirrupsHow to Fit an English SaddleOne big factor influencing your horse’s way of going that you may never have thought about is saddle fit. Learn how to fit an English saddle!13
Equestrian TrainingHorse HacksSaddle MakingBarn HacksRoping SaddlesWestern Horse SaddlesRiding TipsHorse Care TipsSaddle HorseWhat size saddle do I need? ⋆ Cowboy SpecialistWhat size saddle do I need? Seat sizes can be relative to the maker, padding, ground seat, cantle height and swells. Keep reading to find your right size...871
Saddle Fitting EnglishHorse MassageEquine CareHorse Care TipsHorse FactsSaddle FittingEquestrian HelmetHorse Training TipsDressage SaddleDoes Your Dressage Saddle Fit?A British Master Saddler's checklist for making sure your current dressage saddle (or a new one you might be trying) is a good fit to your horse and isn't causing pain or other problems.37