These custom stamp rings you can get whatever you would like on it! Name or names, spouse, kids, or your own name (depending on how long the names are, you can put up to 3), dates, coordinates, birthdays, anniversaries, or small saying, and so on. -Leave in the personalization section exactly what you would like on it. I WILL MAKE IT EXACTLY THE WAY YOU TYPE IT. **If you would like it in all caps or in all lowercase please type it that way. Note: -If you put a date it will be stamped with periods Ex. 9.14.18. (note if you would like the periods more in the middle of the number instead of at the bottom). -If you have multiple names on one ring there will be a dot between the names to break them up, unless you note you do not want the dot. The Stamps I have. . . AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890.!?#@&+♡ -Made from the highest quality solid sterling silver .925 -The inside has the TayLynn logo stamped in it. and it is hallmarked -CUSTOM STAMPED RINGS CAN NOT BE RETURNED. **How to care for your rings -Sterling silver can naturally tarnish over time if not worn often. The oils in your skin help keep silver shiny! To keep from tarnishing when not being worn store in air tight container or ziplock bag. To clean your rings wash with just little dish soap and water. If you do need to clean off tarnish, soak in a1/2 cup of vinegar and 1 tbsp. of baking soda. Don't know your ring size? Check out my ring sizers on my shop!