A simple but striking piece of African handmade statement earrings in brass silver that completes your look.  Handmade in Mali, West Africa inspired by jewellery worn by the Fulani women to display their wealth and nobility.  Find the gold here https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1109194210/fulani-earrings?click_key=ea7e7038731be9c3943107952dfd5b6f66cb2f71%3A1109194210&click_sum=0344547d&ga_search_query=Gold&ref=shop_items_search_2&crt=1 Fulani Earrings, African Print Shirt, Metal Earrings, West Africa, Jewelry Earrings Hoops, Statement Earrings, Hippie Boho, Metallic Silver, Etsy Accessories