Let me me present you happy halloween spider sead bead necklace. It is gothic jewelry gift. The length of this adjustable fall festival style beadwork necklaceis from 19.69 to 22.24 inches. The width is 1.02 inches. This necklace was made from black chech seed beads and spider and web were made from the shimmer silvery chech seed beads. This necklace can be a great gift for your family and friends for the Halloween holiday. Also you can buy it for yourself on Halloween as an addition to your costume or separately as decorations for creating a festive mood. Putting on carnival costumes for this holiday originates in the tradition of Celtic peoples to dress in animal skins on Samhain to protect themselves from evil spirits and ghosts. In modern history, dressed up in a scary image of Halloween became accepted only in the late nineteenth century. For the first time such a case was described in Great Britain, 1895. Local children, dressed in masks and costumes of fairy-tale heroes, went to the houses of neighbors to collect goodies and small coins. In the rest of Europe, as well as in North America, such a tradition did not exist until the early 20th century. Today carnival costumes for the celebration of Halloween begin to sell in the summer. In the USA there are specialized shops and shops for these purposes. And if a hundred years ago, a children's costume included only an ugly mask depicting an emaciated, disfigured face, now any factory suit for Halloween looks really festive and bright. As a rule, adults and children dress in the image of fantastic movie heroes, fairy-tale characters, and as evil and frightening, for example, in zombies, and in the good.