"Lampwork glass necklace Burnt orange necklace carnelian stone handmade boho pendant red necklace gift artisan unique jewelry for women SLD Necklace: 22 inches I love making stand alone gemstone necklaces. Whether with lampwork, porcelain, ceramic, clay, shell, or searching the great world over for special stones and gemstones I always try and bring you something unique. There's lots of choices in my store full of love. This necklace has a 75mm lampwork glass pendant handle blown glass pendant, Artisan Crystal Necklaces As A Gift, Red Long Necklace For Gift, Artisan Carnelian Jewelry As Gift, Artisan Beaded Necklaces With Large Pendant Gift, Artisan Carnelian Jewelry As A Gift, Artisan Red Necklaces For Jewelry Making, Handmade Carnelian Jewelry For Gifts, Handmade Carnelian Jewelry As A Gift, Artisan Agate Beaded Necklaces For Gifts