size Skirt length Waist circumference (high elastic) Hip circumference (high elasticity) Hem (high bounce) S 32.5 62+ 80+ 90+ M 33.5 66+ 84+ 94+ L 34.5 70+ 88+ 98+ Measurement unit: centimeters. Please understand that there is a 1-3cm error range due to different measurement methods. Age: 18-24 years old Size: S M L Pattern: Solid color Style: Street Streets: European and American Waist type: High waist Color classification: Black Article number: 2.17 Skirt type: A-line skirt Year Season: Spring Edgy Black High Waist Mini Skirt, Black High-waist Alternative Mini Skirt, Ripped High-waist Fitted Mini Skirt, Retro High-waisted Black Mini Skirt, High-waist Black Elastane Mini Skirt, Units Of Measurement, A Line Mini Skirt, Black High Waist, 24 Years Old