HANDBAG DESCRIPTION This is the best tote bag for your money, as you get two totes in one, you can carry one print for one week and just reverse it and carry the other print for another week. Run your everyday errands with a bag that stands out and also fun you are sure to get lots of compliments. They are lightweight but sturdy enough to carry your essentials. It is also a perfect reusable grocery tote bag. TOTE MEASUREMENT: HEIGHT: 15.5 INCHES LENGTH: 14 INCHES DISCLAIMER: I always try to take the exact picture of each product, but sometimes based on computer and phone screens colors may appear different than the actual product. Customer satisfaction is our priority, your order comes; *Beautifully wrapped * Free gift wrapping available; please ask at check out CARE: Machine washable with like colors and air dry SHIPPING WE SHIP FROM THE UNITED STATES WITHIN TWO BUSINESS DAYS! FOR SALES AND GIVEAWAYS PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @shoptoyinmade