Fall and apples

74 Pins
Apple Color Sorting Activity for Preschool
Looking for easy apple activities for toddlers that incorporate preschool learning? This is perfect for your fall preschool activities unit! This apple color sorting is a fun apple activity for preschool. Grab the free printable apple tree page and let Little ones sort the cereal by color onto the trees. Adorable and fun! Perfect for a snack time activity during your Apple activities for kids!
Apfelkuchen/Apfel Chips Zählen Sensorisches Bin
Ein lustiger lehrreicher Sinnesbehälter für Ihre Kleinen! Sensory Bin ist mit allen Ihren kleinen Bedürfnissen vorbereitet, um ihren Apfelkuchen und Chips mit einer Vielzahl von Anleitungskarten zuzubereiten.
Easy Fall Sprinkle Sensory Bag DIY
Actividad sencilla para trabajar la grafía de las letras. Es muy sencillo de elaborar ya que solo se necesita ralladura de colores, una bolsa hermética y cinta aislante.
Bury The Acorns: An Easy Toddler Activity - Happy Toddler Playtime
Bury The Acorns: An Easy Toddler Activity - HAPPY TODDLER PLAYTIME
28 Hands-On 5 Senses Activities for Preschool, Pre-k, and Kindergarten - Pocket of Preschool
Smelly painting! Explore 28 hands-on 5 senses activities and centers for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.
How to Make DIY Fall Leaf Prints with Kids
Let your little one enjoy an afternoon of painting and making a mess with child-safe paint and create this fall leaf printing toddler craft. This is a quick and creative DIY project that can easily double as a fun learning activity for your toddler to practice their fine motor skills.